Sokoine University of Agriculture (SUA) and Bonn University have been partners for several years, and their partnership continues to grow stronger. The partnership agreement between the two universities incorporates a student exchange program and shared degree programs, which are centrally managed The partnership has enabled students and instructors from both universities to learn from each...Read More
For years now students at the College of Forest, Wildlife and Tourism, SUA have been taken out of the university to National parks, forest plantation and reserves for field practical studies. apart from being an opportunity to experience something more tangible of what they learn in classes these field trips have been a way...Read More
recent study published in the journal Nature Sustainability examines the idea of a “conservation basic income” paid to community members living in or near key areas for biodiversity protection. The authors argue that unconditional payments could help reduce families’ reliance on practices that could threaten biodiversity by providing financial stability and helping them weather unexpected...Read More