Clever gwakabale


The wide availability of forest and land cover maps based on satellite data provides more information on the world’s forests than ever before. However, this plethora of information can also be challenging for people trying to understand differences in data sources and decide which data to use for a specific purpose. In the past, we’ve...
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The illegal poaching of wildlife is a significant problem threatening the existence of several species of animals in Tanzania. Setting traps is the primary method of illegal animal hunting, using nets constructed from wire pieces formed into circles and tied at the bottom, and placed in areas with high animal activity. The main goal is...
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As part of the I-SITE Program of Excellence (P.E.I), the University of Montpellier (UM) is launching EXPLORE#6, the sixth edition of the support for international mobility call for projects. FUNDED ACTIVITIES This call for projects provides  three distinct schemes: Support for incoming or outgoing individual mobility stays for the exploration of new international collaboration projects by : professors, researchers,...
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Carbon credits from forest conservation have been seen as a promising tool to help mitigate climate change by reducing greenhouse gas emissions in the Global South. They offer a mechanism for companies and individuals to compensate for – or ‘offset’ – their own carbon footprint. Carbon credits from so-called REDD+ projects – reducing emissions from deforestation and...
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Friends of Lake Tanganyika – Tanzania Friends of Lake Tanganyika (FOLT) is a non-governmental organization established in 2012 and registered under the Tanzanian Non-Governmental Organization Act No.24, 2022, with registration No: 00NGO/008484. FOLT is headquartered in Katumbi Village in Uvinza District, Kigoma Region. FOLT’s mission is to end extreme poverty, hunger and environmental degradation across the Lake...
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Friends of Lake Tanganyika – Tanzania Friends of Lake Tanganyika (FOLT) is a non-governmental organization established in 2012 and registered under the Tanzanian Non-Governmental Organization Act No.24, 2022, with registration No: 00NGO/008484. FOLT is headquartered in Katumbi Village in Uvinza District, Kigoma Region. FOLT’s mission is to end extreme poverty, hunger and environmental degradation across...
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Companies around the world increasingly recognize that taking action to preserve nature is not only the right thing to do – it is also good for business. The ongoing decline in biodiversity poses significant risks for businesses, including potential supply chain disruptions, scarcity of raw materials, and increased operational costs. At the same time, businesses...
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Advances in artificial intelligence (AI) have been top of many minds lately. It’s estimated that the sector could contribute USD 10-15 trillion to the global economy by 2030, while tough ethical questions are also being raised by the rapidly-expanding potential of the technology. But the possibilities that AI presents for the climate mitigation, adaptation, and ecosystem restoration...
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The BBVA Foundation makes awards for biodiversity conservation in Spain and internationally. The Foundation’s goal is to publicly recognize the work done by conservationist organizations, institutions and agencies in carrying forward environmental conservation policies and projects. For Spain, there is one award of €250 thousand for actions in biodiversity conservation, and another award of €80...
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The Trust makes grants for education and research in ornamental horticulture, primarily in North America, South America, Central America, the Caribbean, and Australia. Projects may focus on research in ornamental horticulture, creation and maintenance of gardens accessible to the public for educational purposes, educational activities that further ornamental horticulture, and environmentally responsible cultivation of plants...
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