The Development Corridors Partnership Project is a South-South research and capacity building collaboration among the UK, Chinese and African institutions. Partners from Tanzania, Kenya, China and UK are coming together […]
On May 27th, 2019, the College of Forestry, Wildlife and Tourism hosted an Alumni Seminar delivered by Dr. Deogratias Rweyongeza from Canada on climate change adaptation. This seminar was examining and prompt discussion […]
You are warmly welcome to the seminar presentation organized by the College of Forestry, Wildlife and Tourism Title: Opportunities and Challenges of Climate Change Adaption in Forestry Guest Speaker: Deogratias […]
Since March 1997, Sokoine University of Agriculture (SUA) through its College of Forestry, Wildlife and Tourism has been organizing the tree planting week campaign to ensure proper utilization of university land, to protect the […]
ESPAÑOL | FRANÇAIS | РУССКИЙ Do you need to make a stronger business case for biodiversity conservation? Do you want to become more skilled at developing financially sound and politically feasible solutions to conservation and development […]
The Commonwealth Forestry Association’s commitment is pleased to announce the launch of the CFA Young Forester Award2020 in conjunction with the Faculty of Forestry at the University of British Columbia. The CFA Young Forester […]
Welcome to the College of Forestry,Wildlife and Tourism of Sokoine university of Agriculture, in Morogoro, Tanzania. The College has highly trained and competent staff in fields of forestry, wildlife and […]
SCHOLARSHIP FOR Msc. in #Embedded_and_Mobile_Systems NOW OUT! Please note that, You must apply for Msc. in Embedded and Mobile Systems through online application systems at the NM-AIST website, the admission letter will […]
The Fellowship is offered to women scientists from Science and Technology Lagging Countries (STLCs) to undertake PhD research in the Natural, Engineering and Information Technology sciences at a host institute in the South. […]
icipe is offering a PhD project working on the micro-lepidopteran moth of South American origin, the tomato leafminer, Tuta absoluta, that represents the dominant and most serious pest of tomato. Tomato leaf miner Tuta […]