Selected from 49,957 entries from 95 countries, the winners of the Natural History Museum’s prestigious wildlife photographer of the year competition were revealed at an awards ceremony in South Kensington on Tuesday. The flagship wildlife photographer of the year exhibition featuring the awarded images will open on Friday 13 October 2023 at the Natural History Museum in...Read More
by Sarah Brown Slashing deforestation to zero and decarbonizing the economy not only could keep the forest standing but could also transform the region into a billion-dollar bioeconomy by 2050, a recent study has found. The study, conducted by the World Resources Institute (WRI) and the New Climate Economy and published in June, found that preserving the forest,...Read More
by MONICA EVANS The connections between forests and human health are high on many minds these days. Most of us have heard about respiratory illnesses caused by haze from wildfires in the Amazon and Southeast Asia – and about the risks of diseases like Ebola and (possibly) COVID-19 being transferred from forest-dwelling animals to humans....Read More
by Abhishyant Kidangoor The second edition of the “Satellites for Biodiversity Award” has been announced by the Airbus Foundation and the Connected Conservation Foundation. The two organizations are accepting applications until Dec. 15 for an award to support the use of high-resolution satellites for monitoring, tracking and protecting global biodiversity. Winners will receive access to Airbus’s...Read More
Researchers from SUA have participated in a collaborative research and published a peer review article titled Inequitable Gains and Losses from Conservation in a Global Biodiversity Hotspot. It has been published in very good journal, Springer. The summary of the journal article is shared by Terna Gyuse and found on the below link Tanzania’s Eastern...Read More IUFRO’s Scientist Assistance Programme (SAP) aims to provide forest scientists from economically disadvantaged countries with financial assistance to participate in the XXVI IUFRO World Congress 2024, taking place in Stockholm, Sweden, from 23 to 29 June 2024. Scientists from countries shown in the list below will be eligible to apply for sponsorship. (See list at the bottom of the page) The Scientist Assistance...Read More