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President Cyril Ramaphosa of South Africa is undertaking his first State visit since he was elected President in May, to Sokoine University of Agriculture, Morogoro, Tanzania, today (16 August 2019). College of Forestry, Wildlife and Tourism (CFWT) joined SUA and Morogoro community to welcome the South African President His Excellency Cyril Ramaphosa. President Cyril Ramaphosa was...
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SUA Nane Nane Building
The College of Forestry, Wildlife and Tourism is showing and demostrating various technologies and products of forestry, wildlife and tourism in the Sokoine University of Agriculture Building during Nane Nane Exhibitions 2019. Welcome and looking forward to demostrate our technologies and products to you, don’t plan to miss visiting our sections. College of Forestry, Wildlife and Tourism is the...
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IMG 20190801 WA0003
BSc WLM Semester 2 Field Practical Training in Botany and Ecology at Saadani National Park.  Students undertaking Ecological and Botanic Surveys to understand the ecology of the Park and its biodiversity.  Practicing Botany and Ecology in the Woodland and grasslands of Saadan National Park  Prof. RPC Temu demostrating the best practices for identification and collection of...
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The College of Forestry, Wildlife and Tourism, SUA, has recently acquired areas in Ruvuma region for the purpose of enhancing its mission. Among others are two sites Darajambili Campus and Muhuwesi Field area, (wildlife training buffer-zone) specifically targeting the Wildlife Management.In its effort to initiate operationalization of these sites,  91 students of 3rd Year BSc...
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16507580 arenberg castle in the campus of the catholic university of leuven belgium
Listed here are 98 PhD Position Vacancies at KU Leuven University. Click on each opportunity for details and to apply. KU LEUVEN Centre for IT & IP Law: Legal researcher (m/f) with interest in IP law KU LEUVEN Centre for IT & IP Law: Legal researcher (m/f) with interest in IP law Research Unit KU Leuven...
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Seminar annoucement
Speaker:   Ms. Emma Jane Lord, Centre for the Study of the Sciences and Humanities, University of Bergen in Norway Date & time: Monday 12th August, 2019 from 10:00 to 11:00 am Location: National Carbon Monitoring Centre (NCMC) Biography Emma is a PhD Candidate at the University of Bergen in Norway, in the Centre for...
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First year students pursuing BSc. Forestry 2018/19 are conducting forest botany field practical at SUA Training Forest, Olmotonyi-Arusha on 22nd-26th July 2019. The practical aimed at providing a foundation in identification and classification of different vegetation types and species composition, collection and make herbarium specimens.  The practical contents includes identification of vegetation types and their species composition. Exercises...
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Sokoine University of Agriculture Development Corridors Partnership DCP Project Meeting tanzania
Partners from Tanzania, Kenya, China and UK are coming together to build capacity so development corridor decision-making can be based on sound scientific evidence and effective use of available planning tools and procedures. The Partnership will build capacity among researchers, practitioners, government and private sector actors to deliver sustainable development corridors in East Africa. This...
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Director of Forest and Beekeeping Division Dr. Ezekiel Mwakalukwa second from right giving his remarks during the workshop
On Monday 10th June 2019 College of Forest Wildlife and Tourism (CFWT) hosted a technical workshop to discuss plantation mapping methodologies at the National Carbon Monitoring Center. The workshop was conducted by four partner institutions including Forest Development Trust, University of Turku -Finland, Sokoine University of Agriculture and Forest and Beekeeping Division. The main objective...
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Ester Boserup Prizes
The Ester Boserup Prize for Research on Development 2019 will be awarded to Ian Scoones, Professorial Fellow, Institute of Development Studies (IDS). Ian Scoones will give an open lecture titled ‘Why embracing uncertainty means rethinking development’. The Ester Boserup Thesis Prize 2019 will be awarded to Eliezeri Sungusia for the PhD thesis ‘Reproducing Forestry Education, Scientific Authority, and...
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