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Speaker : Jens Friis Lund , Associate professor at the University of Copenhagen    About the Speaker   Jens Friis Lund is associate professor at the University of Copenhagen. He is a political ecologist with a keen interest in equity, justice and knowledge production around natural resources governance. He has worked on participatory or decentralized approaches...
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GRL visited SUA to inform the final lists on activities of the company so as rise interest of the students to apply jobs in the company.  (Above) GRL staffs and students
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Sokoine University of Agriculture is currently undergoing a restructuring process in accordance with the Proposal for restructuring the management system and organisational structure of SUA As approved by the Council at its 133rd meeting held on 27th march 2014. Restructuring is being undertaken to enhance efficiency, effectiveness and visibility of SUA. This is in line...
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 After a very competitive process eventually the Faculty of Forestry and Nature Conservation (FoFNC) of Sokoine University of Agriculture has been appointed by the Government of United Republic of Tanzania to be the host institution for National Carbon Monitoring Centre (NCMC). This appointment was officiated by a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) that was signed by...
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