It is open to both women and men (who support women and youth in the sector) from ages 25-40. Selected fellows will spend 5 weeks in the US doing hands-on professional development activities. The application for the spring 2020 cohort is now open. Here is the link to the site with more information and the...Read More
The College of Forestry, Wildlife and Tourism participates in an Innovation Mentorship Training workshop at Sokoine University of Agriculture from 8th October 2019. The college is usually practicing various innovation technologies of forestry, wildlife and tourism in various areas of Tanzania. Opening remarks by Prof. Theodosy J. Msogoya, Acting Director of Postgraduate Studies, Research, Technology Transfer and Consultancy, Sokoine...Read More
Ndaki ya Misitu, Wanyamapori na Utalii kutoka Chuo Kikuu cha Sokoine cha Kilimo (SUA) kwa kutambua na kuthamini mchango ambao ameutoa katika kipindi cha uongozi wake aliyekuwa Naibu Makamu wa Mkuu wa Chuo Utawala na Fedha Prof. Yonika Ngaga wamemzawadia Ngao ya heshima kwa ajili ya kumpongeza na kumtakia kila la kheri katika majukumu yake mengine ya kazi. Akizungumza...Read More
The second year BSc. Forestry from the College of Forestry, Wildlife and Tourism conducted field practical on sawmilling, wood properties and utilization in Arusha and Kilimanjaro. The feild practical covers charcoal production at SUATF; Tooth pick at Imara Furniture Company; Natural durability at TAFORI timber graveyard in Moshi, Kilimanjaro, Tanzania Tooth pick at Imara Furniture Company ...Read More
Dr. Greyson Z. Nyamoga is a Lecturer and Researcher with about ten years of teaching experience in the Department of Forest and Environmental Economics at Sokoine University of Agriculture. During this time, Greyson has been working on issues related to Forest Economics, Natural Resources Management and Community Based Natural Resources Management in Tanzania. Dr. Nyamoga...Read More
Partners from Tanzania, Kenya, China and UK are coming together to build capacity so that development corridor decision-making can be based on sound scientific evidence and effective use of available planning tools and procedures. The Partnership is building capacity among researchers, practitioners, government and private sector actors to deliver sustainable development corridors in East Africa....Read More
The College of Forestry, Wildlife and Tourism (CFWT) though the Department of Forest Engineering and Wood Sciences conducted a one day training needs assessment stakeholders’ workshop on development of curriculum for a proposed BSc. (Wood Technologies and Value Addition) degree programme on 19th August 2019 in the SUA Council Chamber, Sokoine University of Agriculture, Morogoro. The workshop was attended by various...Read More
President Cyril Ramaphosa of South Africa is undertaking his first State visit since he was elected President in May, to Sokoine University of Agriculture, Morogoro, Tanzania, today (16 August 2019). College of Forestry, Wildlife and Tourism (CFWT) joined SUA and Morogoro community to welcome the South African President His Excellency Cyril Ramaphosa. President Cyril Ramaphosa was...Read More
The College of Forestry, Wildlife and Tourism is showing and demostrating various technologies and products of forestry, wildlife and tourism in the Sokoine University of Agriculture Building during Nane Nane Exhibitions 2019. Welcome and looking forward to demostrate our technologies and products to you, don’t plan to miss visiting our sections. College of Forestry, Wildlife and Tourism is the...Read More
BSc WLM Semester 2 Field Practical Training in Botany and Ecology at Saadani National Park. Students undertaking Ecological and Botanic Surveys to understand the ecology of the Park and its biodiversity. Practicing Botany and Ecology in the Woodland and grasslands of Saadan National Park Prof. RPC Temu demostrating the best practices for identification and collection of...Read More