November 22, 2019


21.11.2019 In the field of Sustaina­bi­li­ty Sci­ence with a fo­cus on „En­vi­ron­men­tal Jus­ti­ce in Af­ri­can Pro­tec­ted Are­as“ at the Fa­cul­ty of Sustaina­bi­li­ty Leu­pha­na Uni­ver­si­ty of Lüne­burg, foun­da­ti­on un­der pu­blic law, fos­ters the de­ve­lop­ment of ju­ni­or sci­en­ti­fic staff. The­re­fo­re, the uni­ver­si­ty of­fers one doc­to­ral scho­lar­ship fun­ded by the Ro­bert Bosch foun­da­ti­on in the field of Sustaina­bi­li­ty Sci­ence...
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