June 14, 2024


In an 1878 report to Congress and subsequent writings, explorer and scientist John Wesley Powell called for a science-based approach to effective management of agricultural land and freshwater resources in the center of the United States. Powell, who became the second director of the U.S. Geological Survey in 1881, identified the 100th meridian as a line of...
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The Conservative Party manifesto proposes a “pragmatic and proportionate approach to net zero” with Rishi Sunak, the prime minister, promising to put “security and your family finances ahead of unaffordable eco-zealotry.” But a closer look at the proposals suggests that they are either poor (and eventually expensive) solutions for people and the climate, or suggest processes that...
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The G7 leaders are poised to assert that wealthier developing nations, including China and Saudi Arabia, should significantly increase their financial contributions to combat climate change. This stance comes in the wake of recent UN negotiations in Bonn, which failed to make substantial headway on establishing new funding targets to support poorer countries in addressing...
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The International IDEA publication on Climate Change and Deliberative Democracy: The Potential of Climate Assemblies in the Global South was just published. The publication, supported by a grant from the Agence Française de Développement (AFD) and written by Nicole Curato, Graham Smith, and Rebecca Willis, asks how climate assemblies and other deliberative practices can help...
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In a recent study published in Nature Climate Change, researchers investigated the impact of temperature exposure on children’s mental health and cognition during prenatal and early childhood periods. Their findings indicate that exposure to heat during infancy and toddlerhood and cold during pregnancy and infancy is associated with reduced myelination and maturation of white matter in children’s...
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Learn how the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child and General Comment No. 26 reaffirm every child’s right to a clean, healthy, and sustainable environment – and how you can use it to advocate for lasting change. Children and young people need a healthy and clean planet to survive and thrive. Despite efforts,...
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