July 6, 2024


People in the UK love discussing the weather. For the first two weeks of June 2024, the cold, dull conditions were all they could talk about. Major news outlets like the BBC, the Guardian, Daily Mail and Daily Telegraph all carried stories on this theme. The colder start to June was driven by winds from the north, bringing...
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While a growing body of research highlights the impacts of climate change on wild apes, sanctuaries caring for apes are also feeling the impacts of a warming world. Sanctuaries across Africa are affected by changing weather patterns, including both droughts and floods, increasing the challenges of caring for resident apes. Extreme weather also increases the...
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Business leaders must scale up action to fast-track the transition towards a nature-positive future, unlocking new opportunities for organisations and making them more resilient. Recent guidance outlines the priority actions for specific sectors, including household and personal care products, cement and concrete, and chemicals. Many companies are already working to protect biodiversity, but these specific...
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We are getting dangerously close to environmental tipping points, which the natural world may not be able to recover from. To counteract this, it is hoped that a Global Biodiversity Framework can be agreed upon at the UN BD COP15 now happening in Montreal. A robust ‘Paris Agreement’ for nature is required to bend the curve on...
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Biodiversity is important to our health, security and economies, but it’s declining rapidly threatening the very foundations of our future. There is a need to raise financing for nature, and biodiversity credits are a crucial tool to channel investments for nature-positive outcomes. The International Advisory Panel on Biodiversity Credits is bringing together stakeholders to drive...
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Businesses are keenly aware that consumers value ethical business practices, including the protection of biodiversity, and many have committed to biodiversity conservation. A road block, however, turns out to be the large variety of ways that have been suggested to measure biodiversity and so the positive and negative impacts of business practices. The result is...
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Global Biodiversity Information Facility