August 26, 2024


Forest fires in Türkiye have increasingly become a severe concern, with recent updates from the Forest Engineering Department at Istanbul University-Cerrahpaşa (İÜC) highlighting a worrying trend. The country is currently grappling with approximately 2,000 forest fires each year, marking a notable rise from historical averages. This escalation in fire incidents represents a substantial increase compared...
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As humans continue to reshape the planet’s climate and ecosystems through activities such as deforestation, industrialization, and the burning of fossil fuels, scientists are increasingly turning to Earth’s history for insights into potential future scenarios. This quest for understanding draws on a variety of natural archives, among which glaciers stand out as particularly valuable. These...
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PURPOSE OF THE STUDY Undertake studies on opportunities and interventions to facilitate the development of value chains of biodiversity products and services in Africa’s forest biodiversity hotspots to support community resilience to climate change. SPECIFIC TASKS Identify, map and profile existing value chains of biodiversity products and services in the selected forest biodiversity hotspot, including...
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Global Biodiversity Information Facility