Scholarship Tanzanian Agricultural Economics, Social Sciences and Political Economy PhD candidate

The Section of International Agricultural Policy and Environmental Governance at the Faculty of Organic Agricultural Sciences at the University of Kassel, Germany together with the University of Dar Es Salaam, College of Social Sciences, develop research on land use change on the Southern slopes of Mt. Kilimanjaro in Tanzania. The project is part of a larger, 10 years long research project ( https://kili de/) funded by the German Science Foundation (DFG) DFG). The project consortium involves 7 sub-projects across several Universities in Germany, Switzerland and Tanzania.

Sub-project 5, led by the University of Kassel, on “Understanding social-ecological transformation: the role of governance and institutions” invites Tanzanian researchers with Master’s degrees or equivalent to apply for a stipend for a Ph.D. as part of the project. The academic work will be preceded by a 6 months stay in Germany in order to learn the language and get accustomed to Germany. The scholarship including the preparatory period of 6 months lasts 4 years (2025 2029)2029). It is administered by the German Catholic Academic Exchange Service (KAAD) KAAD). Once candidates are selected by the University of Kassel, a second selection process with the KAAD needs to be undergone by applicants. Ideally, scholarships start with stays in Germany in April or May 2025. Ph.D. students will be part of a team of 4 researchers at the university of Kassel, Witzenhausen, working on 4 work packages. Ph.D. students will prominently work on the assessment of resilience and sustainability of local farming and food systems on the Southern slopes of Mt. Kilimanjaro. Further, they will contribute to mapping food systems and the analysis of their governance und underpinning institutions.

Call for PhD scholarship application

Global Biodiversity Information Facility

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