1. BACKGROUND Forests are the key to addressing interconnected global challenges of sustainable development. These for example include climate change, food and water security, biodiversity conservation as well as the transformation towards a bioeconomy. All these issues will underpin society’s ability to prosper within the renewable boundaries of our planet. The International Union of Forest...Read More
Data paper webinar: Register for our webinar on 30 March 2023 to learn more about this call and data papers in general. In collaboration with the Finnish Biodiversity Information Facility (FinBIF) and Pensoft Publishers, GBIF has announced a new call for authors to submit and publish data papers on soil biodiversity in a special collection...Read More
Twelve years ago, Miyun, a suburb of Beijing, had a modest beekeeping presence with only 600 beekeeping households and 40,000 bee colonies, despite its rich history in the field. However, through innovative techniques and the adoption of multi-box beekeeping, the area has experienced a remarkable transformation. Today, Miyun boasts 2,144 beekeeping households and 123,500 bee...Read More
Kevin and Liz Jones walk slowly toward one of the brightly colored wooden boxes that line the yard of their farm in Batavia, just east of Cincinnati. Each box holds around 60,000 bees, working to make honey. The Joneses, who have been the owner of HappBee Acres Bee Supply for the last two years, are...Read More
Beekeeping plays a crucial role in maintaining biodiversity and ensuring the pollination of our crops. However, beekeepers face numerous challenges in maintaining healthy and productive beehives. Thankfully, advancements in modern technology have opened up new avenues for boosting beehive productivity. In this article, we will explore some innovative technologies that are revolutionizing beekeeping practices and...Read More
The pollination service business plays a crucial role in supporting agricultural productivity and maintaining ecological balance. This specialized industry revolves around the provision of pollination services, where professional pollinators, often in the form of honeybees, are deployed to agricultural fields and orchards to facilitate the transfer of pollen from male to female flower parts, leading...Read More
The Beekeeping Value Chain Support (BEVAC) project, which is funded by the European Union (EU) and implemented by the Belgian Development Agency (Enabel) and the International Trade Centre (ITC), has made a noteworthy contribution to enhancing market access for the Tanzanian beekeeping sector. As part of its efforts, the project sponsored a dedicated booth for...Read More
by Dr. Catherine Tarasoff, P.Ag. You’ve likely found yourself scratching your head, looking at a plant, wondering, “is this a native species or an introduced invasive species?” “Should I remove this plant even though it might be a native species?” While some invasive plants are distinctive and easy to recognize, others can be hard to...Read More
Ash dieback most expensive, while cost of tackling alien species has more than doubled since 2010, says study From Japanese knotweed to a fungus that kills ash trees, tackling invasive non-native species now costs the UK economy about £4bn, up from £1.7bn in 2010, research suggests. There are about 2,000 invasive non-native species (Inns) in...Read More