SOKOINE UNIVERSITY OF AGRICULTURE The second batch of admissions (from 19th september, to 18th October, 2022) into postgraduate programmes under the Department of Ecosystems and Conservation during 2022/2023 academic year The following applicants have been selected to join MSc (Forestry) and MSc (Ecosystems Science and Management) in the Department of Ecosystems and Conservation offered...Read More
Germany’s International Climate Initiative (IKI) supports projects on climate change mitigation and adaptation, and biodiversity projects that have climate relevance. The focus of the IKI Medium Grants scheme is to provide support to the implementation of projects addressing the global loss of biodiversity in connection with climate change. Each project can receive a grant of...Read More
ADB South Asia Department (SARD) aims to increase the visibility of the importance of climate research and build climate action capacity in ADB developing member countries. The Data Visualization Challenge seeks data scientists and practitioners to create novel and insightful visualizations on climate change and resilience. The winner will have the potential to be contracted...Read More
Terraformation launches the Seed to Carbon Forest Accelerator, a biodiversity-focused, carbon-funded forest accelerator program. The program aims to foster thriving forest communities that preserve biodiversity while increasing the global forest carbon supply. The Accelerator is open to forest creation and restoration teams of all types from around the world. Participants will benefit from expert training,...Read More
The AgriPitch Competition is a two-week-long business development program on strategic partnerships for agriculture projects. Participating agripreneurs will receive follow-up mentorship and coaching for a period of six months. The program offers total grant funding of US$140 thousand. Eligible applicants have to be less than 35 years of age and must be involved in an...Read More
The Global Agriculture and Food Security Program (GAFSP) announces a call for proposals for programs and projects that strengthen agriculture and lessen food insecurity in low-income countries. The program will support medium- to long-term COVID-19 response efforts for a more sustainable, inclusive, and resilient recovery of agriculture and food systems in a changing climate. GAFSP...Read More
The National Geographic Society funds individuals working on projects in science, conservation, storytelling, education, and technology that align with one or more of their focus areas: Ocean, Land, Wildlife, Human History & Culture, Human Ingenuity. Level I grants receive funding up to US$20 thousand and offer unique opportunities for training, networking, coaching, and mentorship from...Read More