Paulo Lyimo


The field practical training on herpetology was offered under the CONTAN project.  The Department of Ecosystems and Conservation of the Sokoine University of Agriculture in partnership with University of Florence, MUSE – Science museum, University of Copenhagen, University of Bayreuth, University of Dar es Salaam, and College of African Wildlife Management conducted field practical training on herpetology as a part of...
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The Department of Ecosystems and Conservation of the Sokoine University of Agriculture in partnership with the University of Florence, MUSE – Science museum, University of Copenhagen, University of Bayreuth, University of Dar es Salaam, and College of African Wildlife Management implementing the CONTAN project conducted field practical training on how to analyze camera‐trap data on 19th September...
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The field practical training on primate survey methods was offered through the CONTAN project.  The Department of Ecosystems and Conservation of the Sokoine University of Agriculture in partnership with University of Florence, MUSE – Science museum, University of Copenhagen, University of Bayreuth, University of Dar es Salaam, and College of African Wildlife Management conducted field practical training...
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Field practical training on ornithology was offered through the Department of Ecosystems and Conservation under the CONTAN project. The purpose of the training was to introduce the students to the basic concepts of 0rnithology, enhance skills in common bird identification by sight and sound on the field, and conduct hands-on training on methods of field...
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Field practical training on Plant Taxonomy and Biodiversity Conservation is offered through the Department of Ecosystems and Conservation under the CONTAN project. The training covered an introduction to plant taxonomy including principles of systematic botany, nomenclature and classification, but emphasized identification. After the practical students are able to identify the common lifeforms of plants in...
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The field practical training on entomology which is offered through the Department of Ecosystems and Conservation under the CONTAN project oriented students on the taxonomy and the systematics of insects. Taxonomy and systematics encompass the relatively basic areas of insects. The goal of this field practical training was to introduce students to the incredible diversity...
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The training is directed at students undertaking MSc. Ecosystems Science and Management, and MSc. Forestry in the Department of Ecosystems and Conservation of the Sokoine University of Agriculture. The objective of this practical training was to provide students with the three main topics (i) the biodiversity data publishing options based on Darwin Core Archives, spreadsheets,...
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On 13th September 2022 students from the Department of Ecosystems and Conservation of the Sokoine University of Agriculture conducted practical training on Field map technology for forest inventory and monitoring at Scientific Station Nkweseko, Kilimanjaro National Park. A field map is a technology that combines hardware and software for effective computer-aided field data collection and processing....
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CONTAN project is an Erasmus + Capacity-building project in the field of higher education “Developing curricula for biodiversity monitoring and conservation in Tanzania”. The Project Partners in the EU: University of Florence, (coordinator), MUSE – Science museum, University of Copenhagen, and the University of Bayreuth. Partners in Tanzania: the Sokoine University of University, University of...
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Ghent University grants PhD scholarships to promising students from developing countries who wish to carry out half of their PhD research at Ghent University in Belgium. Before applying each student needs to find a professor from Ghent University who is willing to act as their supervisor. Supported thematic areas include biology, veterinary medicine, agricultural economics,...
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