The field practical training on entomology which is offered through the Department of Ecosystems and Conservation under the CONTAN project oriented students on the taxonomy and the systematics of insects. Taxonomy and systematics encompass the relatively basic areas of insects. The goal of this field practical training was to introduce students to the incredible diversity...Read More
The training is directed at students undertaking MSc. Ecosystems Science and Management, and MSc. Forestry in the Department of Ecosystems and Conservation of the Sokoine University of Agriculture. The objective of this practical training was to provide students with the three main topics (i) the biodiversity data publishing options based on Darwin Core Archives, spreadsheets,...Read More
On 13th September 2022 students from the Department of Ecosystems and Conservation of the Sokoine University of Agriculture conducted practical training on Field map technology for forest inventory and monitoring at Scientific Station Nkweseko, Kilimanjaro National Park. A field map is a technology that combines hardware and software for effective computer-aided field data collection and processing....Read More
CONTAN project is an Erasmus + Capacity-building project in the field of higher education “Developing curricula for biodiversity monitoring and conservation in Tanzania”. The Project Partners in the EU: University of Florence, (coordinator), MUSE – Science museum, University of Copenhagen, and the University of Bayreuth. Partners in Tanzania: the Sokoine University of University, University of...Read More
Ghent University grants PhD scholarships to promising students from developing countries who wish to carry out half of their PhD research at Ghent University in Belgium. Before applying each student needs to find a professor from Ghent University who is willing to act as their supervisor. Supported thematic areas include biology, veterinary medicine, agricultural economics,...Read More
The Weidenfeld and Hoffmann Scholarships and Leadership Program aims to support outstanding postgraduate students from developing and emerging economies for post-graduate studies at the University of Oxford, UK. Relevant areas of study include: Biodiversity Conservation Management, Earth sciences, Environment, International Wildlife Conservation Practice, Water Science, Zoology, and many others. The scholarship will cover 100% of...Read More
Schlumberger Foundation’s ‘Faculty of the Future’ supports women in developing and emerging economies to pursue PhD and postdoctoral studies at the international level. Grants are in the physical sciences, engineering, and related fields — including past grants in subjects such as ecology and environment. Grants can be up to US$50 thousand per year for PhD...Read More
ETH for Development (ETH4D) supports ETH bachelor students, master students, doctoral candidates, post-docs and senior scientists to develop prototypes. The grant sum is up to CHF 5 thousand. Preference is given to activities in lower-middle-income countries with direct involvement of collaborating institutions or agencies from said countries. There are four application deadlines per year: 31...Read More
ETH for Development (ETH4D) provides grants for visiting scientists, belonging to an academic institution in low and lower-middle income countries. The visiting scientist may visit ETH Zurich to conduct a short research stay or to attend a conference or workshop organized by ETH Zurich scientists. The grant covers expenses up to a maximum of CHF...Read More
The UK Department for International Development (DFID) funds the Commonwealth Master’s Scholarships for candidates from low- and middle-income Commonwealth countries, to undertake full-time study at a UK university. Scholarships are awarded annually across all subjects, with priority for applications that demonstrate strong relevance to development. The program does not accept direct applications for these scholarships,...Read More