The Climate Technology Initiative – Private Financing Advisory Network (PFAN) provides funding to climate or clean energy projects. PFAN accepts applications for projects in low- and middle-income countries in Sub-Saharan Africa, South Asia, Southeast Asia, Pacific Islands, Eastern Europe, and Central Asia, Central America and Caribbean Islands. Projects may request between US$1 million and US$50...Read More
Grants under the World Heritage Convention are made to help protect the World Cultural and Natural Heritage sites. Requests must be transmitted by a State Party National Commission for UNESCO or Permanent Delegation to UNESCO, or an appropriate governmental department or ministry. The limits on funding vary with the type of request (e.g., technical cooperation,...Read More
The Smithsonian Tropical Research Institute (STRI) invites applications for the Earl S. Tupper 3-year postdoctoral fellowship. Research should be based at one of the STRI facilities, but proposals that include comparative research in other tropical countries will also be considered. The annual stipend is US$55 thousand, the annual research budget is up to US$16 thousand....Read More
The European Outdoor Conservation Association (EOCA) makes grants for field-based projects in wildlife conservation; protection of forests and wetlands; litter clean-up on trails and mountains; environmental education in local communities; and other initiatives in support of nature-based travel and tourism. Projects must benefit biodiversity in a wild landscape such as alpine meadows, forests, peatlands, freshwater...Read More
Legacy Landscapes Fund announces its first open call for proposals. Legacy Landscapes Fund (LLF) is a grant-making institution focused on the world’s most important protected areas and their buffer zones. “Legacy Landscapes” (LL) are terrestrial landscapes covering a contiguous area of at least 200 thousand hectares (2000 km²) that are ecologically largely intact and of...Read More
Biodiversity and Protected Areas Management (BIOPAMA) supports community-based organizations engaged in the conservation of biodiversity to carry out sustainable conservation measures in protected and conserved areas. Grant size can vary from €100 thousand to €200 thousand. Only partnerships between a non-governmental organization and a community-based organization are eligible to apply. This call for proposals is...Read More
The Young Professional Development Program (YPDP) is a two-year program designed to prepare young professionals from OPEC Fund member countries for a career in global development. The themes include poverty reduction, energy and sustainable development, environment, and other related science and technology fields. YPDP offers training, coaching and mentoring, the opportunity to experience different departments...Read More
Mfuko wa Misitu Tanzania (TaFF) umeanzishwa kisheria (chini ya Sheria ya Misitu Sura 323), kama chanzo endelevu cha fedha kwa ajili ya kuwezesha uhifadhi, usimamizi na uendelezaji wa rasilimali misitu hapa nchini. Mfuko huu upo chini ya Wizara ya Maliasili na Utalii na unasimamiwa na Bodi ya Wadhamini. Mfuko wa Misitu Tanzania ulianza rasmi utekelezaji...Read More
The World Bank Group seeks applications for the Youth Summit 2022 under the theme “Unlocking the Power of Inclusion for Equitable Growth”. The Summit empowers youth to explore innovative ideas to social, environmental, and economic challenges. Participants shall provide innovative and concrete solutions that showcase the role of the youth in environmental inclusion (e.g. Climate...Read More
The International Elephant Foundation makes grants for conservation and research of elephants. Eligibility extends to organizations and individuals internationally — including students, scientists, and institutions. The Foundation supports in situ or ex situ conservation of African or Asian elephants or their habitats. Most awards are about US$10 thousand for one year. The application deadline for...Read More