Sokoine University of Agriculture has now developed Regulations and Guidelines for guiding higher degree students and instructors on online training and management of postgraduate matters as an alternative model of the traditional face-to-face option. Click to view view Regulations and guidelines for higher degrees to support online training and management of postgraduate studies here (pdf)Read More
The term “ecosystem” was first used in 1935 in a publication by British ecologist Arthur Tansley. Tansley devised the concept to draw attention to the importance of transfers of materials between organisms and their environment. Tansley later defined the spatial extent of ecosystems using the term “ecotope” What is the concept of ecosystem? In biology, an ecosystem is a...Read More
Policy Advocacy Officer at World Wide Fund For Nature (WWF) Position: Policy Advocacy OfficerReports to: Project Lead (Forest Program Coordinator cum Policy Advisor) WWF TANZANIACoordinates: All policy advocacy activities under the Voice for Diversity ProjectDuty Station: WWF Country Office – Dar es SalaamI. The project GoalThe desired goal that this programme aims to achieve is to...Read More
Key Information This Postdoc position has been established in co-operation with the Norwegian State Forest Agency, Statskog ( and will involve research and further development around the GEOSKOG forest and forest management simulator. The position is based in the city of Steinkjer in central Norway. The candidate will work with Statskog on an ongoing basis...Read More
Key information This new position is with the National Forest Inventory (NFI) Department, which is a unit within NIBIO’s Division of Forestry and Forest Resources. Mapping and monitoring of forest resources is a main activity for the departement. Wind and snow damage in forests is an important long-term focus area for the department, and we...Read More
Key Information The Postdoc will participate in the development of a forest simulation system and make use of the system to forecast forest development and the development of associated ecosystem services (e.g. climate mitigation, production of timber and biofuel raw materials, biodiversity) under different management and policy scenarios. The position runs for a period...Read More
Are you interested in integration of risk factors into forest management? PhD scholarship in Forest Sciences and Climate change About the position Faculty of Environmental Sciences and Natural Resource Management (MINA), at Norwegian University of Life Sciences (NMBU) has a vacant 3-year PhD–position in Forest Sciences – forest management under climate change induced natural disturbances....Read More
The International Trade Centre (ITC) is the joint cooperation agency of the World Trade Organization (WTO) and the United Nations (UN) for trade-related technical assistance. Its primary objective is to assist developing countries and economies in transition to enhance their international competitiveness while taking advantage of market opportunities and increasing their exports. ITC is implementing...Read More