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Co-funding opportunity for collaborative projects targeting capacity enhancement and exchange to strengthen the GBIF network GBIF, the Global Biodiversity Information Facility, supports actions to enhance the capacity of countries and partner organizations that contribute to and benefit from GBIF as an international open data infrastructure for biodiversity, supporting research and promoting evidence-based decisions affecting life...
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ARPPIS-DAAD PhD Scholarships for Study at the International Centre of Insect Physiology and Ecology (icipe), Kenya                                                                              Three-Year Doctoral Training in...
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The Forestry and Value Chains Development Programme (FORVAC) is a 4-year (7/2018-6/2022) Programme funded by the Governments of Tanzania and Finland. The implementing agency of the programme is the Forest and Beekeeping Division (FBD) of the Ministry for Natural Resources and Tourism (MNRT), in close cooperation with Tanzania Forest Service (TFS) and the President’s Office...
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Background For its annual plan of work 2019-2020, AFF plans to conduct studies to: identify and analyse the dynamism of key drivers responsible for forest cover loss; evaluate gender-based measures and initiatives taken by various stakeholders to contain forest cover loss; and identify and analyse viable alternative sources of livelihood with potential to contain forest...
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21.11.2019 In the field of Sustaina­bi­li­ty Sci­ence with a fo­cus on „En­vi­ron­men­tal Jus­ti­ce in Af­ri­can Pro­tec­ted Are­as“ at the Fa­cul­ty of Sustaina­bi­li­ty Leu­pha­na Uni­ver­si­ty of Lüne­burg, foun­da­ti­on un­der pu­blic law, fos­ters the de­ve­lop­ment of ju­ni­or sci­en­ti­fic staff. The­re­fo­re, the uni­ver­si­ty of­fers one doc­to­ral scho­lar­ship fun­ded by the Ro­bert Bosch foun­da­ti­on in the field of Sustaina­bi­li­ty Sci­ence...
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Background Forest management requires the execution of silvicultural practices in a forest while at the same time taking into account economic, social, ecological and cultural aspects. For this to happen, a plan is a prerequisite. This therefore makes planning an important component of sustainable forest management (SFM); for example, such plans   help the resource owners...
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Participatory Plantation Forestry Programme Phase II (PFP II) which was launched by the Deputy Minister MNRT and the Ambassador of Finland on 14th November 2019 intends to recruit various staff as listed in the attachment below: Participatory Plantation Forestry Programme Employment Opportunities  
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Conservation International is seeking consultants in Ghana, Dominican Republic, Peru, Brazil, Republic of Congo, Costa Rica and Colombia to analyze enabling and limiting factors for climate, forest and land use strategies and plans, and to conduct a country investment readiness assessment. To download the Terms of Reference, click here or visit the AFF website via Applications are...
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Species trials screenshot_Jun17
The Forestry Development Trust (FDT) is working with several members of the Tree Improvement Research Working Group including Department of Ecosystems and Conservation (DEC), Sokoine University of Agriculture (SUA) to trial new species and hybrids of Eucalyptus, Pine, Corymbia and Casuarina across different sites in Tanzania. This will allow us to see which potential trees perform best in the various agro-climatic...
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The Mawazo PhD Scholars Programme is a non-residential fellowship for African women pursuing PhD studies at universities in Kenya, Rwanda, Tanzania, and Uganda in the fields of Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics (STEM) and the Social Sciences.  Through the program, we support women’s capacity to find solutions to some of the most pressing needs facing the African continent....
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Global Biodiversity Information Facility