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WeForest Zambia data collection GIS LD
Oxford HR – an executive search firm for the international development sector- is currently supporting WeForest, an NGO focusing on restoring forests and landscapes, with finding a Programme Director to lead their environmental work in Africa. The ideal candidate must have proven senior management experience and results in the environmental sector, including substantial experience in a leadership...
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The Soil Association Certification are running FSC® accredited courses in Kampala from 16th – 20th September 2019. Courses available are: FSC Auditing to ISO 19011 – 1.5 days plus e-learning £200 FSC Forest Management – 3.5 days plus e-learning £500 Discounts available for multiple bookings and students. All courses have been approved by ASI and are part of Soil...
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The Copperbelt University Africa Centre of Excellence for Sustainable Mining
The Copperbelt University Africa Centre of Excellence for Sustainable Mining (CBUACESM) is supported by the World Bank through the Government of the Republic of Zambia. The CBU-ACESM provides leadership in post-graduate education and training for sustainable mining. It promotes multidisciplinary research at Masters and Doctoral levels addressing problems linked to the five thematic areas:(i) Occupational health, vulnerabilities, and risks...
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The Tanzania Wildlife Research Institute (TAWIRI) conducts Bi-annual scientific conferences that bring together a broad range of professionals from around the world. The 12th in the series of conferences will be conducted this year from 4th – 6th December, 2019 in Arusha, and intends to fully fund a total of 50 Tanzanian students from local...
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Breaking systemic barriers to womens participation in science
This call is open to research institutions, consortia, or non-governmental organizations with proven research capacity. The institutions should have a strong presence in eligible low and middle-income countries. The research must be proposed and executed by an institution or group of institutions that are independent of the institution(s) to be studied. Deadline: August 15, 2019 by...
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3-4 Year Doctoral Training Scholarship in PASET RSIF Priority Thematic Area Deadline for Applications: 22nd July 2019 at 5:00pm (GMT) The Partnership for skills in Applied Sciences, Engineering and Technology (PASET) is an African-led initiative with the objective of strengthening skills in the Applied Science, engineering and Technology to further socio-economic transformation in sub- Saharan Africa (SSA). The Regional Scholarship...
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In November 2005, SEARCA established the PhD Research Scholarship, which provides financial support to qualified PhD students whose researches are relevant to the priority thrusts of SEARCA (see scholarship statistics). The PhD research scholarship aims to: Provide PhD students the opportunity to use the resources and facilities available at SEARCA and its network of universities...
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The newly-launched European School of Sustainability Science and Research (ESSSR) in Hamburg, Germany, was created in order to foster the cause of sustainable development and the implementation of the Sustainable  Development Goals (especially SDG 13, Climate Action), by means of research projects, innovative teaching programmes, publications and doctoral training. ESSSR founding members are: Hamburg University of...
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PhD Scholarship in Tanzania Copenhagen 1
Department of Food and Resource Economics (IFRO) has its origins in the traditions and methodology developed in the Danish agriculture, forestry and food production sectors, in which the close consultative relationships developed between the private sector, public authorities and research institutions contributed significantly to positive outcomes. Research, education, research-based public-sector services and broader dissemination are...
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forest insect collection methods in Tanzania
Third year students pursuing BSc. Forestry 2018/19 conducted insect field survey at SUA Botanical gardens located at Sokoine University of Agriculture (SUA) Main Campus on 28th -29th January 2019. A survey aimed at providing a foundation in sampling and collection techniques for insects in agro-ecosystems, natural and planted forest. The survey is based on the...
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