Beekeeping Field Practical Training in Arusha: Hands-on experience in apiary management

The Department of Ecosystems and Conservation at Sokoine University of Agriculture offers a variety of courses, one of which is Wildlife Management and Beekeeping. This specific course is offered as part of the BSc Forestry program in the second year.

From 26th June to 1st July 2023, students who were enrolled in BSc Forestry Year 2 participated in field practicals at SUA Training Forest, located in Ngaramtoni, Arusha. The objective of this practical training was to provide hands-on experience to the students. During the training, the students successfully produced six Tanzanian Top-bar hives and established an apiary.

Upon completion of this field practical training in beekeeping, the students gained several key competencies and knowledge, including:

  1. Understanding the basic principles of beekeeping: The students were able to demonstrate a comprehensive understanding of the fundamental concepts and principles involved in beekeeping. This includes knowledge of bee biology, hive management techniques, honey production, and other relevant aspects.
  2. Familiarity with the legal frameworks of the beekeeping sector in Tanzania: The students acquired knowledge regarding the legal regulations and policies governing beekeeping in Tanzania. This includes understanding the permits, licenses, and regulations that beekeepers must adhere to when engaging in beekeeping activities.
  3. Ability to plan and conduct ecological studies of bees: The students gained the skills necessary to plan and carry out ecological studies related to bees. This involves studying the behavior, habitat preferences, and ecological interactions of bees in order to better understand their conservation and management.
  4. Application of knowledge and skills in managing beekeeping projects: The students learned how to apply the knowledge and skills they acquired during the course to effectively manage beekeeping projects. This includes aspects such as hive maintenance, honey harvesting, pest and disease control, and sustainable beekeeping practices.

By completing this practical training in beekeeping, the students are now equipped with the necessary knowledge and skills to engage in beekeeping activities, contribute to the conservation of bees, and potentially pursue careers in the beekeeping sector in Tanzania.

Contact Us
Head of Department
Department of Ecosystems and Conservation,
College of Forestry Wildlife and Tourism
PO Box 3010, Chuo Kikuu, Morogoro, Tanzania
+255 752 581 069

Global Biodiversity Information Facility

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