Call for applications: post-doctoral fellowship on interaction between forest, people and climate change in Africa


The African Forest Forum is providing short term post-doctoral fellowship/sabbatical fellowship/internship of 2 months for one postgraduate African scholar/fellow, researcher or professional. The main focus of this position will be to explore and analyze AFF’s knowledge products on management of forest and trees as it relates to people, their livelihoods and  climate change and synthesize major results / achievements in the field so as to, among other things, point out potential remaining knowledge gaps and future needs (research interests). The sabbatical /postdoctoral fellow/intern will work on all AFF’s knowledge products related to the areas specified above.

Specific tasks

The fellow is expected to undertake the following specific tasks:

  • Study the various AFF’s knowledge products on forest and tree-based climate change issues as submitted.
  • Develop an outline for presenting the key results, including achievements and gaps, from the analysis done on the documents, and discuss this with relevant AFF staff.
  • Depending on how the information can be structured, develop 2-3 documents based on the analysis of the information, after discussing the structure of the documents with relevant AFF staff
  • Participate in any other AFF activity as might be required.

The fellowship will be provided to African scholars/fellows, researchers and professionals based in African institutions of higher learning as well as those working in relevant forestry-based research institutions to support their post-doctoral/sabbatical leave/internship away from their working institutions

Expected deliverables

  • The synthesis documents highlighting, among other things, the key achievements, knowledge gaps and future research areas.
  • A review scientific publication highlighting AFF contribution to the specified field of research, knowledge gap and future research needs.

Qualifications, skills and experience

  • Have a PhD in forestry, environment, natural resources management or related areas.
  • Have very good knowledge on climate change vulnerability of biophysical and social systems, forest and tree-based adaptation, mitigation and resilience, climate change policy and environmental studies;
  • Have very good computer skills, particularly in data analysis and reporting.
  • Show good records of publications in high impact factor journals in the field of forestry and climate change.
  • Have good written and oral communication skills in English and French.
  • Be able to work in interdisciplinary and multicultural groups.

Duration of assignment

The tasks in the ToRs are for two months of workload, commencing on August 1, 2021 and spread over a maximum period of three months. The postdoctoral fellow shall be based at AFF secretariat and working in close consultation with relevant staff while keeping to agreed delivery schedule.

Fellowship terms

The fellow will be supported with modest stipend, medical insurance cover, air return ticket (where applicable) and accommodation expenses for the period attached at AFF. The level of compensation is commensurate with the experience and expertise.

Application assessment and fellows selection

All applications  that  meet  the  general  and  specific  eligibility  criteria will  be  evaluated  against  the following criteria:

  • Quality of the call proposal stated objectives and methodology.
  • Technical merit of the proposed work; and
  • Qualifications and capabilities of the applicant to undertake the tasks as per the call.

How to apply

Please email, and attach your application containing:

  • Filled AFF fellowships application form “Post-doctoral/Sabbatical fellowships/internship on synthesis of key results / achievements from AFF knowledge products on the interaction between forests, people and climate change in Africa: Fellowship No: 02-112. Post-doctoral/Sabbatical fellowship/Internship
  • Cover letter stating how you meet the above qualifications and experience requirements.
  • A short proposal of 3-5 pages demonstrating how the tasks outlined in section 4 of this call will be achieved within the specified period;
  • Curriculum vitae

All application materials must be complete and received by the AFF Secretariat on or before the application deadline with the subject line assignment No“Postdoctoral fellowship on interaction between forest, people and climate change in Africa” to: Professor Marie Louise Avana-Tientcheu through, Dr Djibril S. Dayamba ( and Dr Daud Jones Kachamba (, and with a copy to Applications will be considered until 30th June, 2021, please note that only short-listed applicants will be contacted.


To download this Call click here.

Global Biodiversity Information Facility

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