Earth Observation: Sustainable Blue Economy

The Earth Observation Sustainable Blue Economy project aims to develop new products, indicators, and tools to support local Blue Economic activities and monitor their impact on the marine environment. Four contracts will be implemented, each targeting one among four possible themes: Aquaculture, Fisheries, Marine Renewable Energy, Leisure, and Tourism. The activity shall be implemented in close collaboration with Early Adopters such as permitting and regulating authorities, financial investors, and the Blue Economy sector operators. The closing date is 05 June 2024. Details

In the framework of the Earth Observation Applications activities, the EO for Sustainable Blue Economy project aims to develop innovative high-quality EO-based information products, indicators and methods, targeting specific high-priority matters raised by the international environment policy agenda and with a distinct connection to the European Union (EU) Green Deal.The project aims at enabling sustainable Blue Economy by developing new products, indicators and tools to support local Blue Economic activities and monitortheir impact on the marine environment. The project shall have a multi-sensor approach and integrate as necessary open non-EO data,in-situ measurements and model outputs.

Four contracts will be implemented, each contract targeting one among four possible themes:a) Aquaculture, b) Fisheries, c) Marine Renewable Energy, d) Leisure and Tourism.This activity is linked to a number of key International entities and policies (e.g., Food and Agriculture Organization, the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development) and European policies (e.g. the Marine Strategy Framework Directive, the Common Fisheries policy, the New strategic guidelines for EU aquaculture, the Zero Pollution action plan, the New EU offshore renewable energy strategy, the EU Biodiversity strategy, the New EU strategy on adaptation to climate change).

This activity is considered in the series of the PEOPLE (Pioneering EO apPLications for the Environment) projects and it shall be implemented in close collaboration with Early Adopters (EA) such as permitting and regulating authorities, the financial investors and the Blue Economy sector operators and implementers. The EA shall be involved in the requirements consolidation and the validation process of the new methods and relative derived information products. This activity requires an open-science approach, sharing knowledge and information across the stakeholders and end-users.Read more

Global Biodiversity Information Facility

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