Dr. Charles Kilawe is participating in a fieldwork to assess and map smallholder’s tree based systems and their contribution to bioenergy production and consumption in Rwanda. It is good to see a successful integration of a non-native tree, Eucalyptus globulus subsp. maedenii into small holder’s farming systems. Dr. Kilawe (from Sokoine University of Agriculture), Prof. Jean Nduwamungu (Rwanda University), and Prof. Gert Nyberg (Swedish University of Agriculture) are supervisors for a PhD project by Elias Nelly Bapfakurera. The project is funded by Sida under the REFOREST Programme
For more information please contact:
Department of Ecosystems and Conservation (DEC),
College of Forestry Wildlife and Tourism (CFWT),
Sokoine University of Agriculture (SUA),
PO Box 3010, Chuo Kikuu, Morogoro, Tanzania
+255 752 581 069