
Junior Research Scientist in Forest soil science

Junior Research Scientist in soil science – Functional role of physical properties of forest soils Job description What will be your mission? The research carried out by the Biogeochemistry of […]

Scientist: Forest Sciences or related fields

Job description The Institute of Forestry of the Johann Heinrich von Thünen Institute, Federal Research Institute for Rural Areas, Forests and Fisheries, in Hamburg-Bergedorf is looking for the following full-time […]

PhD study: Behavioral ecology

PhD study: Foraging in the landscape of peril; Post-doc: spanning movement and behavioral ecology. Job description A) We offer a fully funded PhD student position (4-years) in behavioural ecology “Foraging in the landscape […]

Best wishes

On behalf of Sokoine University of Agriculture Management, we would like to wish all students the very best of luck for your ongoing exams.

How do we prepare for climate change?

The recent run of record-breaking warm temperatures here in Minnesota has spurred numerous casual conversations about climate change, including frequent half-serious exhortations of “welcome to the new normal!” While our […]

New climate model essential for global action

The challenge of climate change transcends traditional environmental policies, requiring a comprehensive and collaborative approach that extends beyond national borders. While countries like China are making significant strides in transitioning […]

Forest Invasive Species

Forest invasive species are any species that are non-native to a particular forest ecosystem and whose introduction and spread causes, or are likely to cause, socio-cultural, economic or environmental harm […]

New publication

Woody Species Composition, Structure, Regeneration Status and Carbon Storage of Mkulazi Forest Reserve in Tanzania Ezekiel E. Mwakalukwa1*, Christoganus John1,2 and Paulo J. Lyimo1 1Department of Ecosystems and Conservation, College […]

New publication

Structure, regeneration and carbon stocks of woody plants in the Litwang’ata village land forest reserve, Southwest Tanzania Ezekiel Edward Mwakalukwa1*, Samora Macrice Andrew2 1Department of Ecosystems and Conservation, College of […]

Climate change leaves French Towns uninsured

At the beginning of the year, approximately 2,000 towns and cities across France faced the daunting reality of being uninsured. This predicament arose as insurance companies either hiked up premiums […]