SNU President Fellowship 2021


An applicant must be both

  • a faculty of major universities WITHOUT Ph.D. degree from developing countries in Asia, Africa, South America etc.
  • admitted to SNU as a Ph.D. student for the given semester


Priority is given to applicants doing exceptional work in engineering, medicine, public health, agriculture, developmental studies, Korean studies, etc.

Details of the Award

  • Application Period : June for fall admission, December for spring admission
  • Number of Recipients : To be announced
  • Amount and Duration of Award
SNU President Fellowship
Tuition First 3 years of Ph.D. program Full tuition fee for six semesters
Living Expenses KRW 1,500,000 monthly stipend for 4 years*
Korean Language Training Korean language training(only evening class during spring/fall semesters)
Medical Insurance Group Medical Insurance(only for an awardee)
Airfare Round trip A round-trip airfare(economy class based on GTR system)

The scholarship is renewable up to a maximum six(6) semesters, contingent upon the recipient maintaining a minimum term GPA of 3.0.

Scholarship recipients must have a cumulative 3.0 GPA for graduates at the end of each semester to continue eligibility.

Note about Airfare

– Entry to Korea: An economy class flight ticket from scholar’s home country to Korea
– Return: An economy class flight ticket from Korea to scholar’s home country
– Entry flight ticket will NOT be provided to scholars who have resided in Korea at the time of accepting to this program and up until the designated arrival period.
– The return flight ticket is only offered to scholars who successfully complete their degree coursework.
– The return flight is NOT offered to those who have withdrawn from the scholarship in the middle of their studies.
– Any fees domestic travel fees within a scholar’s home country are NOT covered.
– International travel insurance or any additional travel charge is NOT covered.

Required Documents

  1. SPF Application Form (including study plan)
  2. Certificate of Employment (as a faculty member)
  3. Recommendation Letter from the Dean of Affiliated College at SNU
  4. Video Link(Research and Teaching Achievements, Study Plan, Goals after Graduation)
    – Students could submit video file using the specified method(Vimeo, Youtube)
    – Presentations are limited to 5 minutes and competitors exceeding 5 minutes are disqualified.
  5. Candidates with the Recommendation Letter from the Dean or President of your current university are given preference.

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Global Biodiversity Information Facility

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