TBA field courses 2020

Information for applicants

Who should apply

Courses are designed for early career scientists, with teaching pitched at post-graduate level. Applicants must hold a biological degree by the course start date – or have completed at least 3 years of a biological degree course. 

Fees and scholarships

African and South East Asian applicants

A limited number of full or partial scholarships are available to successful African applicants (for courses in Africa) and those from South East Asian countries (for our Borneo course). Scholarships contribute to course costs which include course fees or tuition, national travel, accommodation and subsistence costs as well as the costs of international travel to and from the rendezvous location.

Priority for places will be given to outstanding applicants but we will also take into consideration those who can raise full or part of their participation costs (i.e. course fees and travel costs). We would strongly encourage you to look for funding from grants, foundations or your organisation, and we will be willing to provide letter of support towards your applications. Please refer to the online application form or the downloadable pdf TBA Field course Application form to see the options available.

All other applicants

Participants from TBA member organisations pay a reduced rate of £900. This covers internal transport to and from the field site, accommodation, subsistence and course fees.  It does not include your airfares, insurance and visa costs.

The course fee for participants from non-members is £1200. If your institution is not currently a member, why not ask them to join?  Applicants from member organisations also receive priority for course places

All successful European and UK applicants can apply for a British Ecology Society scholarship (approximately £200). See Course Guide for details

How and when to apply

All applications must be made via our online application form and be supported by two confidential references (which must be completed and returned via this downloadable reference form).

You can only attend one course, but you may apply in successive years if not selected.

HERE is a link to a pdf version of the SurveyMonkey TBA Field course Application form – please use this as a guide to help you consider your responses to the questions. You could then pre-write these and copy and paste the answers across when you login to apply.

More information

You can read the course guides and have a look at our course timetables via the current Field Courses page. If you still have questions, contact the Course Coordinators: for applicants from Africa and Madagascar; or for applicants from South East Asia and all other countries.

In 2019 we held two amazing field courses, one at the Van Thuyne Ridge Research Centre which saw TBA’s first visit to northern Botswana and the second held at our regular Borneo training site within the stunning Danum Valley in Sabah.

The first TBA course of 2020 will be held in Kenya and applications are now open. Scroll down for the link.

Read the information for applicants for full details of selection criteria, fees and scholarships.

Thanks for being patient and we look forward to another exciting and productive year.

Global Biodiversity Information Facility

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