Welcome Note

The Department of Ecosystems and Conservation provides students with instruction and expertise in a diverse area of ecological and biological sciences. The Department is one of the six departments in the College of Forestry, Wildlife and Tourism, Sokoine University of Agriculture (SUA) located in Morogoro Region, Tanzania.

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What we offer

We offer teaching, research, consultancy and outreach services in the area of  Climate change, Biodiversity,  Integrated ecosystem assessment, Ecological impact assessment and planning, Environmental flows assessments, Integrated, Invasive species biology, Detection and control, Ecology, Restoration and Eco – physiology

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Latest Updates, Announcements, Stories and more

TAFORI promotes Forestry and Beekeeping

Dr. Chelestino Balama, the Director of Forest Utilization Research at the Tanzania Forest Research Institute (TAFORI), recently highlighted the importance...
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Is Tanzania ready for biodiversity COP16?

Tanzania’s readiness for COP16 on biodiversity reflects both significant progress and the challenges that remain in meeting international commitments. The...
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FMSS for Biodiversity Conservation and Climate Resilience

We must admit that over 60 percent of Tanzanians live in rural area, where the majority of these are preoccupied...
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What are biodiversity credits, and how do they work?

You’ve probably heard of carbon credits. But what about biodiversity credits? There’s no question that the world is losing its biodiversity at...
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Do Indigenous peoples conserve 80% of Global Biodiversity?

A new commentary piece in Nature argues that the much-cited claim that Indigenous peoples protect 80% of the world’s remaining...
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Coastal communities threatened by catastrophic flooding from rising sea levels

Global mean sea levels have risen more rapidly in the 20th century than in any previous century over the past...
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Undergraduate and Postgraduate programmes

M.Sc Forestry is the oldest programme which has been offered since 1974 while the other two programmes (Agroforestry and Ecosystem Science and Management) were recently established (2011). M.Sc programmes are offered for two years, the first year is for course work and the second year is for research and dissertation write-up. Students are also admitted to a 3-year PhD programme by research only or course work and research.

Field practicals in some of these fields are conducted at the College training facilities at Olmotonyi (an 840 ha forest plantation) and Mazumbai forest reserve (320 ha montane forest) and Kitulanghalo (550 ha Miombo woodlands). There is also an Ecosystem and Conservation laboratory at the main campus for student practicals and research as well as staff research. Other laboratory facilities in the University are utilized by staff and students as the need arises.

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Staff Profiles

Academic staffs in the Department of Ecosystems and Conservation give lectures to undergraduates (B.Sc Forestry, B.Sc Wildlife Management, and Bachelor of Tourism Management) and postgraduates (M.Sc Forestry, M.Sc Agroforestry, M.Sc Ecosystem Science and Management, and PhD) in its fields of mandate.

Yonas Hailu Alemu, assistant professor at Haramaya University in Ethiopia, completed his PhD study in 2017 as part of the University of Copenhagen’s Haramaya Camel Dairy Project.


Academic members of staff undertake research in various fields. Many kinds of research have been conducted by staff and students since professional forestry education started in Tanzania in 1973. At present, a total of 12 research projects are in progress. Research projects are local and/or donor-funded

Student spotting Big Momella Lake Wetland ecosystem found at ANAPA. The lake has high concentration of fluoride and supports micro algae


Academic staff are also involved in consultancy either locally or internationally. Consultancy work is coordinated by the College consultancy unit (FOR CONSULT). Consultancies conducted by staff in the Department are as presented in their respective CVs.

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