Prof. Ruwa-Aichi Pius Cosmas Temu


Date Position Institution name
2009- To date Professor Sokoine University of Agriculture
2001 – 2009 Associate Professor Sokoine University of Agriculture
1993 – 2001 Senior Lecturer Sokoine University of Agriculture
1990 – 1993 Lecturer Sokoine University of Agriculture
1987 – 1990 Assistant Lecturer Sokoine University of Agriculture
1984 – 1987 Tutorial Assistant Sokoine University of Agriculture


Date Institution name Country Title
1985 – 1990 Institute of Systematic Botany, Uppsala, Sweden Sweden PhD in Systematic Botany
1982 – 1984 Sokoine University of Agriculture Tanzania Bachelor of Science in Forestry

Research Interest: Forest Botany, Ethnobotany and Beekeeping

S/N Title and year
1 Temu, R. P. C. 1989Peddiea thulinii (Thymelaeaceae), a new species from   Tanzania – Nordic Journal of Botany 9(4): 405‑406.
2 Temu, R. P. C. 1990. Seedling morphology, wood anatomy and notes on the distribution of Scorodophloeus fischeri (Taub.) J. Leon. (African Leguminosae‑ Caesalpinioideae). ‑ Bull. Jard. Bot. Nat. Belg. 60: 213‑221.
3 Temu, R. P. C. 1990. Taxonomy and distribution of Zenkerella capparidacea s. lat. (Leguminosae‑Caesalpinioideae). ‑ Nord. J. Bot. 10: 425‑430.
4 Temu, R. P. C. 1990. A new species of Zenkerella (Leguminosae‑Caesalpinioideae) from Tanzania. ‑ Nord. J. Bot. 10: 421‑423.
5 Temu, R. P. C. 1990. Taxonomy and Biogeography of woody plants in the Eastern Arc mountains, Tanzania: Case studies in ZenkerellaScorodophloeus and Peddiea. ‑ Acta Universitatis Upsaliesis 286, 68 pp.
6 Kinabo, L.D.B., R.D. Mosha and R.P.C. Temu, 1998. The Potential of Medicinal Plants in Improving Animal Health in Tanzania. ‑ Tanzanian Veterinary Journal. Vol. 18, supplementary 4. p. 209 ‑ 221.
7 Maliondo, S.M.S., R.E. Malimbwi, R.P.C. Temu, E. Costantine and E. Zahabu, 1999. Fire impact on population structure and diversity of tree species in West Usambara camphor zone forestsJournal of Tropical Forest Science 12(3): 472 – 481.
8 Mtambo, M.M.A., E.J. Mushi, L.D.B. Kinabo, A. Maeda – Machang’u, G.L.M.  Mwamengele, M.G.S. Yongolo and R.P.C. Temu, 1999. Evaluation of the efficacy of the crude extracts of Capsicum frutescensCitrus limon and Opuntia vulgaris against Newcastle disease in domestic fowl in Tanzania. Journal of Ethnopharmacology 68: 55 – 61.
9 Temu, R.P.C., E. Munyanziza and M.J. Lema, 2000. Studies on species composition in      East Usambaras tropical submontane rainforests as affected by disturbance. Annals of Forestry 8(1): 53-67.
10 Temu, R.P.C., E. Munyanziza and J.F. Kessy, 2000. The role of natural vegetation in the supply of wild food plants to rural Tanzanians: A case study of Ruvuma Region, southern Tanzania. Annals of Forestry 8(2): 161-169.
11 Kinabo, L.D.B., RS Silayo, GK Mbasa, PS Gwakisa, EN Kimbita, RD Mosha and R.P.C. Temu, 2003. Acute toxicity and efficacy of some medicinal plants against Trypanosoma congolense. Journal of Veterinary Pharmacology and Therapeutics 26(1): 215-216.
12 M. Lyimo, R.P.C. Temu and J.K. Mugula, 2003. Identification and Nutrient Composition of Indigenous Vegetables of TanzaniaJournal of Plant Foods for Human Nutrition. 58:85-92.
13 Munishi, P.K.T., T.H. Shear, T. Wentworth & R.P.C. Temu, 2007. Compositional gradients of plant communities in submontane rainforests of eastern Tanzania. Journal of Tropical Forest Science 19(1):35-45.
14 Munishi, P.K.T., Maliondo, S.M.S., R.P.C. Temu and Msanya, B.M. 2004. The potential of Afromontane rain forests to mitigate Carbon emissions in Tanzania. Journal of the Tanzania Association of Foresters: 10: 14-25.
15 Kessy, J.F. and R.P.C. Temu, (2004). Plant Domestication as an Indigenous Forest Management Strategy for Biodiversity Conservation in the East Usambaras, Tanzania. Journal of Ethnobotanical Society of Nepal (1): 59-76.
16 Munishi, P.K.T., T.H. Shear, T. Wentworth & R.P.C. Temu, 2007. Compositional gradients of plant communities in submontane rainforests of eastern Tanzania. Journal of Tropical Forest Science 19(1):35-45.
17 Temu, R.P.C., J.F. Kessy and T. Mwakiposa, 2007. The Contribution of Homegardens to Conservation and Rural livelihood needs in Rungwe District, Tanzania. Korean Journal of African Affairs 22: 121-138.
18 Temu, R.P.C. and S.M. Andrew 2008. Endemism of Plants in the Uluguru Mountains, Morogoro, Tanzania. Journal of Forest Ecology and Management 255 (7): 2858-2869.
19 Munishi, P.K.T., F. Philipina & R.P.C. Temu, and N.E. Pima 2008. Tree species composition and local use in agricultural landscapes of west Usambaras, Tanzania. African Journal of Ecology 46(1): 66-73.
20 Temu, R.P.C., Agustino, S. and Qambemeda M. 2008. Ethnobotanical knowledge of the Balangidalalu communities in Hanang District of Manyara region, Tanzania. Tanzania Journal of Forestry and Nature Conservation 78(1):
21 Munishi, P.K.T., Temu, R.P.C. and Soka, G.E. 2011. Plant communities and tree species associations in a Miombo ecosystem in the Lake Rukwa basin, Southern Tanzania: Implications for conservation. Journal of Ecology and the Natural Environment, 3 (2): 63 – 71.

Both Undergraduate and Postgraduate. Undergraduate teaching includes Botany and Beekeeping; Postgraduate teaching includes Taxonomy of Forest trees and Shrubs; and Ecology.

Both Undergraduate and Postgraduate Students.

Board/Committee Membership

S/N Board Name Role
1 SUA Botanic Garden and Tree planting Steering Committee Member
2 National Plant Genetic Resources Committee Member
3 Management Committee of SUA Training Forest, Olmotonyi Member
4 AETFAT (Association for the Taxonomic Study of the Flora of Tropical Africa) Member

Position: Professor in botany

Department of Ecosystems & Conservation

College of Forestry, Wildlife & Tourism

Sokoine University of Agriculture

P.O. Box 3010, Morogoro, Tanzania


Mobile: +255 754 372925; +255 658 372925


Org Unit: College of Forestry, Wildlife and Tourism