S.A.O. Chamshama

Prof. S.A.O. Chamshama’s main area of specialization is plantation forestry (silviculture). I have however been involved in training and research in a wide range of areas including: natural forest management, agroforestry, tree improvement (mainly species and provenances), tree physiology, forest resource assessment, participatory forest management (PFM) and climate change. I have published 137 papers in journals and proceedings in the areas indicated above. Most of these are cited by various scholars worldwide. Published papers have been widely circulated worldwide through Google Research Gate and Academia.edu. I have been involved in 52 consultancy assignments as a team leader or member and out of these, 18 were international assignments. Consultancy assignments have mainly been on training (short courses), evaluation of projects/programmes, external monitoring of projects/programmes, feasibility studies and development of project proposals and other documents


Date Position Institution name
1997-to date Professor Sokoine University of Agriculture
1991 – 1997 Associate Professor Sokoine University of Agriculture
1985-1991 Senior Lecturer Sokoine University of Agriculture
1982-1985 Lecturer UDSM/Sokoine University of Agriculture
1979-1982 Assistant Lecturer University of Dar es Salaam (UDSM)
1977-1979 Tutorial Assistant University of Dar es Salaam (UDSM)


Date Institution name Country Title
1981-1984 University of Dar es Salaam Tanzania PhD
1980 North Carolina State Univ USA PhD Course Work
1978-1979 University of Dar es Salaam Tanzania MSc Forestry
1977-1978 Agricultural Univ of Norway Norway MSc Forestry Course Work
1974-1977 University of Dar es Salaam Tanzania  BSc Forestry

Research Interest:

Plantation and natural forest silviculture; agroforestry; tree improvement (species and provenance trials); participatory forest management; climate change.

Journal Papers:

Year Latest 10 publications
2017 Maduka, S. M., Msogoya, T. J. and Chamshama, S. A. O. (2017). Effect of rooting media and indole-3-butyric acid concentrations on regeneration potential of Elgon Olive (Olea welwitschii (Knobl.) Gilg&Schellenb) stem cuttings. Tanzania Journal of Forestry and Nature Conservation 86(2): 1-12.
2016 Pima, N.E., Chamshama, S.A.O., Iddi, S. and Maguzu, J. 2016. Growth performance of Eucalypt clones in Tanzania. Environment and Ecology Research 4(3): 146-154.
2016 Inoti, S., Chamshama, S., Lulandala, L., Thagana, W. and Dodson, R. 2016. Appropriate plant growth regulators and genotypes for propagation of jojoba (Simmondsiachinensis l.) cuttings in semi-arid areas of Voi, Kenya.International Journal of Current Research 8: 24876-24882.
2016 Inoti, S.,  Lulandala, L., Chamshama, S.A.O., Thagana, W. and Dodson, R. 2016. Effect of some agricultural practices on field performance of Jojoba (SimmondsiachinensisL.) seedlings in semi-arid Areas of Voi, Kenya. Merit Journal of Agricultural Sciences and Soil Science 4(1): 14-22.
2015 Pima, N.E., Chamshama, S.A.O. and. Iddi, S. (2015). Water use by Eucalypt clones growing at Kongowe, Kibaha, Tanzania. Tanzania Journal of Forestry and Nature Conservation84(2): 46-57.
2015 Inoti, S.K., Chamshama, S.A.O.,Thagana, W.M.,Lulandala,L.L.L. and. Dodson,R.(2015). Sex determination of young nursery Jojoba (SimmondsiachinensisL.) plants using morphological traits in semi-arid areas of Voi, Kenya.Journal of Biology, Agriculture and Healthcare 5(16): 113-123.
2015 Ndomba, O. A., Bakengesa, S., Petro, R., Maguzu, J., ChamshamaS. A. O., Kiimu,H. R. and Lema,M. (2015). Perils of Taungya to the productivity of forest plantations and need for modification: case study of Meru Forest Plantation in Tanzania. International Journal of Agriculture and Forestry  5(5): 267-275.
2015 Zahabu, E.,Raphael, T., ChamshamaS.A.O.,Iddi,S.and Malimbwi, R.E. (2015). Effect of spacing regimes on growth, yield and wood properties of Tectonagrandis at Longuza forest plantation, Tanzania. International Journal of Forestry Research Vol 2015. Article ID 469760, 6 pages. http://dx.doi.org/10.1155/2015/469760.
2015 Lund, J.F., Burgess, N.D., ChamshamaS.A.O., Dons, K., Isango, J.A.,  Kajembe, G.C., Meilby, H., Moyo, F., Ngaga, Y.M., Ngowi, S.E., Njana, M.A., Mwakalukwa, E.E., Skeie, K., Theilade, I. and Treue, T. (2015). Mixed method approaches to evaluate conservation impact: evidence from decentralized forest management in Tanzania. Environmental Conservation 42(2) 162-170.
2014 Kindo, A., Edward, E., Mndolwa. M.A. and Chamshama, S.A.O. (2014).Survival, growth, wood basic density and wood biomass of seven-year-old Casuarina species/provenances grown at Kongowe, Kibaha, Tanzania. Southern Forests 2014: 1-8.



2004 Blay, D., Bonkoungou, E., Chamshama, S.A.O. andChikamai, B. (2004). Rehabilitation of degraded lands in Sub Saharan Africa. FORNESSA/IUFRO-SPDC, Vienna, Austria. 101pp.
2016 Malimbwi, R.E., Eid, T. and Chamshama, S.A.O. (Eds) (2016). Allometric tree biomass and volume models in Tanzania. Department of Forest Mensuration & Management, SUA. 150pp.


Book Chapters:

Latest 5 book chapters
2016 Malimbwi, R.E., Mauya, E.W., Zahabu, E., Katani, J.Z., Chamshama, S.A.O., Eid, T., Bollandsas, O.M., Maliondo, S.M.S., Mugasha, W.A., Masota, A.M., Njana, M., Makero, J.S., Mshana, J.S., Liganga, H., Mathias, A., Msalika, P., Mwangi, J. and Mgalila, H.E. (2016). Biomass and volume models for different vegetation types of Tanzania. Pp.99-117. In Kulindwa, K. (Ed). Lessons and Implications for REDD+: Implementation Experiences from Tanzania.CCIAM, SUA, Morogoro, Tanzania. 372pp.
2016 Masota, A., Chamshama, S.A.O., Malimbwi, R.E. and Eid, T. (2016). Stocking estimates of biomass and volume using developed models. Pp. 121-129. In: R.E. Malimbwi, Eid, T., and Chamshama, S.A.O.(Eds). Allometric tree biomass and volume models in Tanzania.Allometric Tree Biomass and Volume Models in Tanzania. 150pp. Department of Forest Mensuration & Management, SUA.
2016 Zahabu, E., Mugasha, A.W., Katani, J.Z., Malimbwi, R.E., Mwangi, J.R. and Chamshama, S.A.O. (2016). Allometric biomass and volume models for Tectonagrandis plantations. Pp. 86-92. In: R.E. Malimbwi, Eid, T., and Chamshama, S.A.O. (Eds). Allometric Tree Biomass and Volume Models in Tanzania. 150pp. Department of Forest Mensuration & Management, SUA.
2016 Mugasha, A.W., Zahabu, E., Maguta, M.P., Mshana, J.S., Katani, J.Z. and Chamshama, S.A.O.(2016). Allometric biomass models for Pinuspatula plantations. Pp. 78-85. In: R.E. Malimbwi, Eid, T., and Chamshama, S.A.O. (Eds). Allometric Tree Biomass and Volume Models in Tanzania. 150pp. Department of Forest Mensuration & Management, SUA.
2016 Malimbwi, R.E., Chamshama, S.A.O. and Eid, T. (2016). Introduction for book on allometric tree biomass and volume models in Tanzania. Pp. 1-8. In: R.E. Malimbwi, Eid, T., and Chamshama, S.A.O. (Eds). AllometricTree Biomass and Volume Models in Tanzania. 150pp. Department of Forest Mensuration & Management, SUA.

Conference Papers:

  Latest 5 Conference Papers
2014 Kimaro, A.A., Novak, K.D.,Shemdoe, R.S. andChamshama, S.A.O. (2014). Carbon stock in planted woodlots at Kongowe, Kibaha, Tanzania. In: M. Oelbermann (Ed). Sustainable Agroecosystems in Climate Change Mitigation. 69-85pp.
2011 Kimaro, A.A., Isaak, M.E. and Chamshama, S.A.O.(2011). Carbon pools in tree biomass and soils under rotational woodlot systems in Eastern Tanzania. In: B.M. Kumar and P.K.R. Nair (eds.), Carbon Sequestration Potential of AgroforestrySystems: Opportunities and Challenges, Advances in Agroforestry 8: 129-143.
2011 Chamshama, S.A.O.and  Nshubemuki, L. (2011). Plantation forestry management in Tanzania: Current situation and future focus. Pp. 45-75. In: Nshubemuki, L., Madoffe, S.S., Chamshama, S.A.O., Bakengesa, S. andBalama, C.(Eds). Proceedings of the Workshop on Insect Pests, Diseases and Soil Problems in Forest Plantations. TAFORI/SUA. 95pp.
2009 Kajembe, G.C., Ngaga, Y.M.,Chamshama, S.A.O. andNjana, M.A. (2009). Performance of participatory forest management (PFM) regimes in Tanzania. Preliminary findings in the project “Applied research in PFM” p.  93-110. In:Nshubemuki, L., Chamshama, S.A.O., Mbwambo, L. andBalama, C. (Eds).Proceedings of the First Participatory Forest Management (PFM) Research Workshop: Participatory Forest Management for Improved Forest Quality, Livelihood and Forest Governance. Tanzania Forestry Research Institute, Morogoro, Tanzania. 225pp.
2008 Migunga, G.A., Chamshama, S.A.O. and Gillah, P.R. (2008). Professional forestry in Tanzania: Towards integrated natural resources management. Pp. 250-265. In: Temu, A.B., Chamshama, S.A.O.,Kungu, J.,Kaboggoza, J.,Chikamai, B. andKiwia, A. (Eds). New Perspectives in Forestry Education. Peer reviewed papers presented at the first global workshop on forestry education, September 2007. ICRAF, Nairobi, Kenya. 493pp.

Undergraduate teaching includes Silviculture and Tree Improvement. At a postgraduate level, I teach Silviculture, Research Methods in Agroforestry; Woody Perennials Selection and Evaluation and Plant Propagation Techniques.

I am currently supervisingone MSc Forestry student and three special project students. Over the years, I have supervised 6 PhD students, and several MSc and BSc students.

Professional Bodies Membership:

Member, Tanzania Association of Foresters (TAF)

Member, African Forest Forum (AFF)

Board/Committee Membership:

Date Role Board Name
2017-2020 Chair National Forestry Advisory Committee
2017-2020 Member Board of the College of Forestry, Wildlife and Tourism, SUA
2017-2020 Member College Tree Planting Committee


Offices Held:

Date Office Name Institution
1990-1996 Dean Faculty of Forestry, SUA
1986-1990 Head Department of Forest Biology, SUA


Position: Professor of Silviculture


Phone: +255-023-2 603511 ext. 4630


Campus: Main Campus

Building: Ecosystems and Conservation;Room Number: 3

Other websites:www.sua.ac.tz

Org Unit: College of Forestry, Wildlife and Tourism