Subject Ante and Title: FBL 103 Fundamentals of Ecology (11 Credits)
Prerequisite: None
Subject status: Core
Credits rating: 11 credits
Time distribution:
Lectures: 40 hours
Tutorials: 25 hours
Practical: 15 hours
Assignments: 10 hours
Independent study: 20 hours
Learning Outcomes
Upon completion of the course, the student will be able to
Contents: Ecology, its scope and importance. Ecological gradients – the role of environmental factors in the distribution of biotic communities. Introduction to quantitative study of plant and animal communities: sampling, attributes of biotic communities, characterization of biotic communities, succession, biogeography and ecological characteristics of major tropical formations. Classification and ecology of forest vegetation in tropical Africa with reference to Eastern Africa. The ecosystem concept and ecological processes: energy flow, production of organic matter and nutrient cycling. Introduction to the concept of forest biodiversity. Plant physiology: introduction to plant physiology. Plant mineral nutrition, plant water relations, absorption, conduction and translocation. Photosynthesis – the process of primary production, translocation of photosynthetic materials. Respiration, growth and growth substances.
Required readings
Recommended readings