Subject Ante and Title: FBL 202 Tree Improvement (7.5 Credits)
Subject status: Core
Credits rating: 7.5
Time distribution:
Lectures: 30 hours
Seminars/Tutorials: 10 hours
Practical: 10 hours
Assignments: 10 hours
Independent study: 15 hours
Prerequisite: None
Learning Outcomes
Upon completion of this course, the student will be able to:
Contents: Basic concepts of genetics. Biotechnology: molecular biology, cell biology, gene transfer, recombinant DNA, DNA isolation and amplification. Tree bio-safety aspects. Tree variation. Selection methods. Genotype and phenotype, genotype x phenotype interaction. Specific and general combining ability. Heritability. Genetic gain. Progeny testing. Mating designs. Hybridization. Species and provenance trials. Land races. Vegetative propagation including tissue culture. Tree seed stands and orchards.
Required Readings
Recommended Readings