30+ Fully Funded PhD Programs at University of Copenhagen, Denmark

34 Fully Funded PhD Programs at University of Copenhagen, Denmark

Are you holding Master’s degree and looking for fully funded PhD positions? University of Copenhagen, Denmark invites online application for multiple funded PhD Programs / fully funded PhD positions in various research areas.

Candidates interested in fully funded PhD positions can check the details and may apply as soon as possible. Interested and eligible applicants may submit their online application for PhD programs via the University’s Online Application Portal.

1. Fully Funded PhD Position in biogeochemistry of cultivated wetlands

Summary of PhD Program:

Specifically, the PhD project aims to quantify the element cycling of carbon and nitrogen in farmed wetlands in Vietnam. The work includes field experiments (with dynamic flux chambers and subsurface oxygen measurements) along spatial gradients and laboratory work aiming at optimizing C storage, reducing CH4 and N2O emissions and securing future food production. In addition, analyses based on other (farmed or natural) wetlands are envisaged.

Application Deadline: 20-09-2023

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2. Fully Funded PhD Position in modelling of wetland biogeochemistry

Summary of PhD Program:

The Global Wetland Center will contribute to the development of wetland-based climate change mitigation strategies through a combination of biogeochemical and hydrological modelling, satellite remote sensing and use of Artificial Intelligence techniques. The Center is a collaboration between two departments from the University of Copenhagen (Department of Geosciences and Natural Resource Management and Department of Computer Sciences), DHI A/S, and GEUS (The Geological Survey of Denmark and Greenland), and is funded for a six-year period (2024-2029).

Application Deadline: 20-09-2023

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3. Fully Funded PhD Position in Analytical Chemistry and Metabolomics

Summary of PhD Program:

The PhD student will during the first year of the PhD project help conduct, manage and finalize an infant cohort study (The MOTILITY Mother-Child Cohort), which includes examination visits and handling of biological samples. Furthermore, the candidate will develop and apply liquid chromatography mass spectrometry-based metabolomics methods to quantify aromatic lactic acids in bacterial cultures and collected infant faeces, blood and urine samples. Finally, the candidate will integrate microbiome-metabolomics data and perform mechanistic in vitro experiments in immune cells, and write scientific publications.

Application Deadline: 17-09-2023

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4. Fully Funded PhD Position in Arctic Ecosystem Dynamics

Summary of PhD Program:

The PhD candidate will investigate the importance of land-lake interactions for high-latitude ecosystems and carbon cycle and quantify regional greenhouse gas emissions from high-latitude lakes. The PhD project will start with coupling the dynamic vegetation model, LPJ-GUESS with Advanced Lake Biogeochemistry Model (ALBM), calibrate and evaluate the land-lake interactions based on a range of field-measured variables, and eventually assess how land-lake interactions feedback to the changing climate.

Application Deadline: 15-09-2023

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5. Fully Funded PhD Position in Transport biology

Summary of PhD Program:

A PhD scholarship in Transport biology is available at the Department of Plant and Environmental Sciences. The PhD student will be financed by an Exploratory Interdisciplinary synergy program granted from the Novo Nordisk foundation to Associate Prof. Hussam Hassan Nour-Eldin at University of Copenhagen and Prof. Henrik Dimke at Syddansk University who will leverage recent advances in plant transportomics to develop a novel and ground-breaking approach to identify the substrate of human transporters. Starting date is 1 December 2023 or as soon as possible thereafter.

Application Deadline: 10-09-2023

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6. Fully Funded PhD Position in machine learning

Summary of PhD Program:

We seek a highly motivated person that can contribute to the theoretical and applied work in the group. The group is part of “Center for Basic Machine Learning Research in Life Science” (mlls.dk), which is a lively crowd of six PIs and around 30 PhD students and postdocs. We are associated with the Pioneer Centre for AI (aicentre.dk) and have regular seminars, conferences and a popular yearly retreat. The principal supervisor will be Anders Krogh, but PhD students will generally have a co-supervisor from another group in MLLS and is expected to also work with other people in the Center. We are also collaborating with several foreign research groups.

Application Deadline: 03-09-2023

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7. Fully Funded PhD Position in veterinary oncology, radiotherapy and genetics

Summary of PhD Program:

The PhD project will investigate the effects of FLASH radiotherapy on the risk of secondary cancer development later in life in an experimental murine model and in canine spontaneous cancer patients. The murine study part will be performed at Oxford University under the supervision of Kristoffer Petersson, and the canine study part will be performed at the University of Copenhagen and at Lund University under the supervision of Betina Børresen, Maja Arendt and Kristoffer Petersson. Other co-investigators are Louise K. Jensen, who will assist with tissue histology, and Gabriel Adrian and Crister Ceberg, who will assist with canine radiotherapy treatments in Lund.

Application Deadline: 03-09-2023

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8. Fully Funded PhD Position in Mobility and Stability of Nanomaterials in Soils

Summary of PhD Program:

The aim of this PhD project is to asssess the mobility and stability of nanomaterials (NMs) when they enter the soil. This will include batch and column experimental studies with model and natural soils, under varied environmental and climate stresses (e.g., contaminated soils, dought vs. flooded conditions, extreme temperature fluctuations), to evaluate NM mobility, dissolution and transformation behaviour, as well as their impact on pollutant and nutrient leaching. With this knowledge, we can then start to draw conceptual models of any potential risks to surrounding aqueous environments. State of the art characterisation tools such as X-ray micro-CT, fluorescence and electron microscopy will be critical to monitor the fate of NMs in the soils, while common analytical tools will be used to monitor changes in soil fluid chemistry and soil mineralogy. The specific nanomaterials to be examined in this PhD include a variety of nanosized fertilisers.

Application Deadline: 03-09-2023

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9. Fully Funded PhD Position in quantum simulation

Summary of PhD Program:

The projects aim to develop a theoretical understanding of small networks of few-level quantum systems coupled to electromagnetic fields. To benchmark these devices as artificial molecules, part of the projects aims at designing a set of basic experimental tests in parameter regimes where calculations remain possible. The projects will explore the prospects for simulating chemical dynamics and work out protocols for colleagues in the experimental groups to validate these effects experimentally. Earlier experience with the investigated systems would be desirable but is not required.

Application Deadline: 01-09-2023

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Fully Funded PhD Position in Biochemistry

Summary of PhD Program:

In recent years, we have developed E. coli expression systems for the production of disulfide-rich animal venom proteins and peptides. Such venom-derived proteins represent a vast library of bioactive compounds for biomedical applications and the development of novel therapies. The current project concerns the biochemical, structural, and functional characterization of large toxins from predatory marine cone snails, i.e., macro-conotoxins. The project will focus on toxins from previously uncharacterized superfamilies for which the functions are unknown and will be conducted in close collaboration with labs at the University of Utah, USA.

Application Deadline: 01-09-2023

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11. Fully Funded PhD Position in Biophysics

Summary of PhD Program:

The inner membrane of mitochondria, the powerhouse of the cell, is highly folded, exhibiting intricate dynamical structures called cristae that are integral to a multitude of cellular processes, in particular bioenergetic demand. Abnormal cristae architectures are associated with many diseases, such as liver dysfunction. However, it remains obscure how exactly the crista shapes emerge and are connected to molecular activities. The goal of this project is to use multiscale computer simulation to understand how the activities and cooperativity of key molecular players shape crista membranes.

Application Deadline: 01-10-2023

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12. Fully Funded PhD Position in Philosophy of Perception

Summary of PhD Program:

Perception seems to give us direct access to the reality we live in. Researchers often articulate this point in terms of a special ‘presence’ characteristic of perception. In everyday life, presence is what allows us to distinguish our genuine perceptions from imagery or daydreaming. In clinical settings, disturbances of presence seem a crucial factor in a host of mental disorders, including schizophrenia, delirium, and PTSD. Commercially, efforts to create perceptual presence artificially range from the entertainment industry (e.g., movies, gaming) through education (e.g., simulation tools) to computer-mediated communication (e.g., video conference platforms). Surprisingly, however, researchers rarely address presence explicitly, let alone analyse it in detail. Moreover, when they do explicitly address it, it is often unclear exactly what ‘presence’ is supposed to denote.

Application Deadline: 25-09-2023

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13. Fully Funded PhD Position in Communication, Philosophy of Psychiatry

Summary of PhD Program:

The PhD position is part of the research project Mapping Perceptual Presence, financed by the Independent Research Fund Denmark (DFF) and led by Associate Professor Søren Overgaard. The project combines philosophy of perception and philosophy of psychiatry in an effort to analyze key features of perceptual experience. Applicants are asked to situate and develop their research plan within the framework of the larger project.

Application Deadline: 25-09-2023

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14. Fully Funded PhD Position in philosophy

Summary of PhD Program:

The larger project is about the hypothesis that vague and ambiguous theorizing in cognitive neuroscience is a cause of the low replicability of experimental studies. More than half of the studies in psychology do not replicate. Researchers commonly blame poor methodological and statistical practices. Recently, a growing number of researchers have argued that the crisis is due to poor theories. The aim of the project is to use the analytical tools of philosophy of science to assess the claim that absence of proper theorizing is the root cause of low replicability and to understand the type of theory needed to alleviate the crisis.

Application Deadline: 01-09-2023

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15. Fully Funded PhD Position in Optomechanical Sensing

Summary of PhD Program:

This fellowship focuses on the application of mechanical sensors for detecting and imaging nano-scale objects, based on the measurement of minute forces and mass. To this end, mechanical devices with ultralow force noise will be designed in collaboration with our international partners, fabricated in our local cleanroom, and characterized in the lab. These sensors will then be deployed for, e.g., detecting the presence and orientation of a single quantum spin, or the shape, mass, and infrared spectrum of an individual protein. The goal of this project is to move from the proof-of-principle of mechanical quantum sensors, to applications that complement existing technologies such as transmission electron microscopy.

Application Deadline: 31-08-2023

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16. Fully Funded PhD Position in Experimental Aspects of Non-Local Condensed Matter Physics

Summary of PhD Program:

The Center for Quantum Devices has played a pivotal role in the field of epitaxial superconductor-semiconductor devices, both in material growth, device development, and underlying theory. This fellowship project ushers in the next generation of experiments that probe the non-local nature and coherence properties associated with hybrid quantum devices through cutting-edge experiments using advanced gate geometries, high-frequency techniques, and low-temperature operations in high-bandwidth cryostats.

Application Deadline: 28-08-2023

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17. Fully Funded PhD Position in bioinformatic analysis of host – pathogen interactions

Summary of PhD Program:

The PhD project concerns how commensal and pathogenic microbiota modulate host signalling in the intestine and aims to elucidate fundamental aspects of disease progression. Within the gut microbiome component, the project will identify microbial species, microbial gene functions, and gene clusters through DNA sequencing by PIG-PARADIGM consortium partners. Combined with tissue/fecal metabolomics, this will lead to microbial species/gene interaction networks and pathways. Conversely, on the host side gene networks and pathways will be identified through total and small RNA-seq data likewise established by PIG-PARADIGM consortium partners. The PhD project will make use of these established sets of host and microbiome gene networks etc and the abundance of genes within them to associate genes between host and microbe.

Application Deadline: 23-08-2023

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18. Fully Funded PhD Position in computational CRISPR guide RNA design

Summary of PhD Program:

The PhD project is focused on designing computational methods for gRNA design while taking the off-target landscape, developed by others in the group, into account. The PhD project will take outset in the in-house deep learning (DL) model, CRISPRon, to be applied on data generated by project collaborator Prof Yonglun Luo. The initial model will encode both on- and off-target data (as ranked by our CRISPRoff method) to predict gRNA efficiency while also being used for model-driven data generation of novel gRNA efficiency data by collaborator. The downstream computational models will explore machine and deep learning techniques for further enhancement, and they will subsequently be used to make a multiplex version to simultaneously target multiple genes taking their genetic interactions into account. Throughout the project, methodological advances will be incorporated in the available CRISPR design web interface.

Application Deadline: 23-08-2023

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19. Fully Funded PhD Position in theoretical quantum science and condensed matter physics

Summary of PhD Program:

The two positions deal with different aspect of quantum system and their potential usage in quantum information processing system. One project involves advancing our understanding of emergent degrees of freedom in condensed matter systems, for example, in hybrid superconductor-semiconductor systems where bound states inside the superconducting gap can have unusual properties and, furthermore, be candidates for qubit applications. Another project explores novel way ways to improve on existing qubits systems, for example by improve our understanding of semiconductor qubit systems by building realistic models starting from the device layout, including the effects of electron band structure, strain, geometry, etc. This project can also include improving our understanding of the coupling to photonics quantum systems.

Application Deadline: 21-08-2023

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20. Fully Funded PhD Position in Environmental and Soil Sciences

Summary of PhD Program:

Nitrous oxide (N2O) is a very potent and important greenhouse gas, with a global warming potential approximately 300 times stronger than CO2. About 70% of the global N2O emissions comes from agricultural fields as a consequence of N fertilization of crops, whether in mineral or organic form. Formation and consumption of N2O is driven by microbial N turnover and takes place at different depth in the soil profile. This affects N2O transport through diffusion and mass flow in the profile, which eventually results in emissions from the soil surface. However, our understanding of where in the profiles and where along water availability gradients the formation and comsumption of N2O takes place is still incomplete. It is also still poorly understood how these processes are affected by environmental conditions like water content, oxygen content, as well as availability of ammonium, nitrate and decomposable organic matter from mineral or organic fertilisers. Our current models do not describe these process and their interactions to a satisfactory degree.

Application Deadline: 20-08-2023

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21. Fully Funded PhD Position in applied school choice 

Summary of PhD Program:

As a successful candidate, you will contribute to cutting-edge research projects on school admission using data from Danish high school admission. The project has three overarching aims. First, estimate how schools impact admitted students’ academic and non-academic development, leveraging novel admissions data and state-of-the-art methods to establish causality. Second, estimating the perception and preferences of applicants to model how they respond to information and changes to admission rules. Finally, assess how policy changes affect students’ outcomes and their enrollment across educational institutions with a focus on segregation and peers.

Application Deadline: 20-08-2023

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22. Fully Funded PhD Position in Environmental Toxicology

Summary of PhD Program:

It is impossible to assess the risk of all chemical pollutants to all species in the environment at all sorts of environmental conditons. Chemical risk assessments therefore depend on models which can predict the chemical fate and biological effect across species and endpoints. Several models exsist but few are fully evaluated for their ability to predict fate and effects under nature like conditions. The overall aim of QTOX is to address the robustness of models based on mechanistic knowledge of the underlying processes in the chain from exposure to effects, across all levels of biological organisation, with close connection to regulatory endpoints, and under environmentally realistic conditions, i.e., including the dynamics of chronic exposures to mixtures of chemicals. The robustness of all models will be evaluated on microcosm scenarios under two environmental regimes in Spain and Holland, respectively.

Application Deadline: 16-08-2023

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23. Fully Funded PhD Position in Environmental Toxicology

Summary of PhD Program:

It is impossible to assess the risk of all chemical pollutants to all species in the environment at all sorts of environmental conditons. Chemical risk assessments therefore depend on models which can predict the chemical fate and biological effect across species and endpoints. Several models exsist but few are fully evaluated for their ability to predict fate and effects under nature like conditions. The overall aim of QTOX is to address the robustness of models based on mechanistic knowledge of the underlying processes in the chain from exposure to effects, across all levels of biological organisation, with close connection to regulatory endpoints, and under environmentally realistic conditions, i.e., including the dynamics of chronic exposures to mixtures of chemicals. The robustness of all models will be evaluated on microcosm scenarios under two environmental regimes in Spain and Holland, respectively.

Application Deadline: 16-08-2023

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24. Fully Funded PhD Position in Experimental Particle Physics

Summary of PhD Program:

With the newly received ERC grant, the research group will develop a novel methodology using a new approach, a multi-particle cumulants technique. This will give unique insights into the initial geometric conditions, shape, size, and their correlations and fluctuations. To achieve this, we will measure various collision systems (129Xe, 16O, and proton) during the LHC Run 3. These pioneering measurements, and the resulting new analyses, will decisively advance our understanding of those crucial initial conditions, the platform upon which the analysis of the collision rests. The results of this ERC will make it possible to probe the precise nuclear structure of 129Xe, 16O at the LHC energies, a million times higher than the existing nuclear structure studies in low-energy nuclear physics.

Application Deadline: 15-08-2023

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25. Fully Funded PhD Position in Life-time imaging of the chemical microenvironment

Summary of PhD Program:

The scientific objective of FLIMagin3D is to synergistically evolve key aspects of Fluorescence Lifetime Imaging Microscopy (FLIM) across disciplines by i) advancing the acquisition of FLIM data and the analysis pipeline, ii) developing improved platforms that facilitate imaging for a wide range of (bio)medical, chemical and biophysical applications, and iii) advancing the state-of-the-art in FLIM biosensors. The project is a collaboration between 8 academic and 4 industrial partners from 7 European countries and brings together highly synergistic expertise on advanced bioimaging and image analysis.

Application Deadline: 15-08-2023

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26. Fully Funded PhD Position in Quantum Materials Innovation

Summary of PhD Program:

The candidate will join our committed team working on creating and improving solid-state quantum materials with better stability and scalability for advanced quantum systems. As part of the MSFI group, the fellow will employ innovative approaches for in-situ synthesis and fabrication of quantum devices, guided by a data-driven perspective and a strong emphasis on maintaining the purity of materials.”

Application Deadline: 13-08-2023

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27. Fully Funded PhD Position in Experimental Quantum Matter

Summary of PhD Program:

The work is at the interface between condensed matter device physics and designed quantum matter with prospects in quantum simulations. The project uses novel epitaxial semiconducting-superconducting hybrid materials based on 2-dimensional electron gas to design Josephson junction arrays. The combination of gate-voltage and flux tunability allows for the synthesis and exploration of various states of matter, such as anomalous metals, unconventional superconductors, or flat-band systems. The project combines nanofabrication, low-temperature physics using a cryofree dilution refrigerator, low-noise and high-frequency electrical measurement techniques, data analysis, interaction with theoretical physicists, and scientific writing in English.

Application Deadline: 13-08-2023

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28. Fully Funded PhD Position in beneficial plant-microbe interactions

Summary of PhD Program:

A biotechnological solution to sustainably increase food supply is to integrate beneficial microbes into agricultural production. Harnessing plant microbiome is regarded a cornerstone in the next green revolution. The root microbiome composition is largely determined by the soil inoculum, with a distinct contribution from the host. The overall aim of the PhD project is to investigate the underlying molecular mechanisms by which plants recruit microbial organisms as well as the physiological significance of the establishment of these (beneficial) interactions.

Application Deadline: 13-08-2023

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29. Fully Funded PhD Position in Molecular Lipid Metabolism

Summary of PhD Program:

In the Molecular Lipid Metabolism Group, we strive to identify molecular mechanism involved in the regulation of lipid metabolism in relation to physical activity, nutrition and its role in health and disease. The research is performed from “molecule to human” and uses molecular biology techniques, cell models, genetically modified animals as well as healthy individuals and patients. The vision is that physiological observations in humans under various stimuli can be explained by describing the underlying molecular mechanisms and vice versa can mechanistic basic science in the lab lead to new insights that can be translated to humans and solve challenges in society.

Application Deadline: 10-08-2023

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30. Fully Funded PhD Position in endosomal pH regulation

Summary of PhD Program:

The overall aim of the PhD project is to test the hypothesis that neuronal metabolism and survival are regulated by the Na+/H+ exchanger NHE6 (SLC9A6), a key endosomal pH-regulatory protein linked to severe neurodegenerative diseases such as Christianson syndrome and Alzheimers disease. We propose that NHE6 loss/mutations elicit a cascade of deleterious events originating from the endosomal compartment, including disrupted endo-/lysosomal pH, dysfunction of NHE6-interacting proteins, altered iron homeostasis, mTORC1 activity, and endosomal motility, lysosomal lipid accumulation, mitochondrial dysfunction, and ferroptosis. Methodologically, the PhD project will include primary neurons from wild type and NHE6 knockout mice, neuronal cell lines, biochemistry and molecular biology, metabolic profiling, and advanced imaging including endosomal pH imaging and superresolution microscopy.

Application Deadline: 08-08-2023

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31. Fully Funded PhD Position in Structural Biology

Summary of PhD Program:

The nuclear receptor coactivator 3 (NCOA3) is a 1424 amino acid large transcriptional activator that interacts with several steroid hormone receptors. As NCOA3 is implicated in several cancer types, including breast and ovary cancers it is of high interest to understand the structural mechanism of how the activity of NCOA3 is regulated. Very little is, however, known about the structure of the full-length NCOA3. One reason for this is that we currently don’t have a proper experimental tool to study full-length NCOA3 – or other large intrinsically disordered proteins (IDPs). The intact protein is too dynamic for cryoEM and X-ray crystallography, and much too large for NMR spectroscopy.

Application Deadline: 07-08-2023

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32. Fully Funded PhD Position in high entropy alloy nanoparticles

Summary of PhD Program:

The project aims to study high entropy alloy nanoparticles in electrocatalytic energy conversion reactions. Electrocatalysis is a key technology in the green transition and advanced materials development is required for rational design of new catalysts. High entropy alloys are new, promising electrocatalysts for a series of energy conversion reactions that take place in fuel cells, such as the oxygen reduction reaction, hydrogen evolution reaction, or formic acid oxidation.

Application Deadline: 06-08-2023

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33. Two Fully Funded PhD Position in Human Diet-Gut-Brain interactions

Summary of PhD Program:

The overall purpose of the research performed by the group is to understand the neurophysiological foundations that underlie motor and cognitive functions in humans. The group uses a variety of neuroimaging and neurostimulation techniques (EEG, (f)MRI, TMS) in combination with physical and cognitive testing to investigate how brain networks modulate behavior and we collaborate closely with research groups developing novel, cutting-edge methods of network-quantification.

Application Deadline: 06-08-2023

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