Enhancing Practical Skills Among Forestry Students at Sokoine University of Agriculture



In the photo to the right is Dr. greyson Nyamoga (in green t-shirt) with the Manager of Longuza forest Plantation together with students.

The College of Forestry, Wildlife, and Tourism (CFWT) at Sokoine University of Agriculture aims to produce quality graduates for the future forest sector and contribute significantly to the national economy through competent workers who are graduates from the university.

In the photo are different locations of Amani Nature Reserves in Tanga Region, Tanzania


To achieve this, the college offers practical training to its students, including field practical studies at Amani Nature Reserve and Longuza Forest Plantation. The field practical studies at Amani Nature Reserve and Longuza Forest Plantation aim to enhance practical skills among forestry students at Sokoine University of Agriculture. The practical skills include field plant identification, naming, and sampling, as well as collection, preparation, and preservation of plant specimens for herbarium.
The students are also exposed to forest ecology, biodiversity, and conservation, which are essential for their future careers in forestry and related fields. The practical studies at Amani Nature Reserve and Longuza Forest Plantation are part of the field practical training program at Sokoine University Training Forest, which is meticulously designed to provide students with hands-on experience.
The program is aimed at providing students with practical skills that are an extension of what is taught in class, ensuring that they are well-equipped for their future careers.The practical studies at Amani Nature Reserve and Longuza Forest Plantation are essential for producing quality graduates for the future forest sector and contributing significantly to the national economy through competent workers who are graduates from Sokoine University of Agriculture.
The college’s efforts to provide practical training to its students will undoubtedly contribute to sustainable forest management and the contributions of the forest sector to the national economy
In conclusion, the field practical studies at Amani Nature Reserve and Longuza Forest Plantation are an essential part of the practical training program at Sokoine University Training Forest. The program aims to enhance practical skills among forestry students, ensuring that they are well-equipped for their future careers in forestry and related fields. The college’s efforts to produce quality graduates for the future forest sector will undoubtedly contribute significantly to the national economy through competent workers who are graduates from Sokoine University of Agriculture.