A promising move toward green energy use in Tanzania, free gas distribution in rural areas


Tanzania is taking a step towards green energy by distributing free 100,000 gas cylinders in rural areas through the Rural Energy Agency (REA) project. This initiative is expected to have significant environmental, health, and economic benefits for Tanzanians.

The  government, through the Rural Energy Agency (REA), plans to distribute a total of 100,000 free gas cylinders in rural areas across the country by July 2023 as a way of promoting the use of clean energy.

This initiative comes after the government allocated Tsh. 3.2 billion for the 2022/2023 fiscal year for the distribution of clean cooking gas.

Speaking in Dar es Salaam, the Director of Marketing and Technology Promotion at REA, Engineer Advera Mwijage, said they have already started collecting feedback forms from stakeholders in the gas sector since April 19, and the process will end on May 10, 2023, to identify the beneficiaries of the free gas cylinders.

He added that clean energy is one that does not pollute the environment, protects the health of citizens, and provides opportunities for people to enjoy cooking without any problems, unlike when they use traditional cooking methods that produce smoke.

unfriendly cooking using firewood in rural areas, Tanzania

Mwijage also stated that the government has various plans to ensure that all citizens have access to clean energy and will ensure timely delivery to those who need it.

The use of gas as a cooking fuel in rural areas has been a significant contributor to deforestation and indoor air pollution, leading to respiratory illnesses. The distribution of free gas containers will encourage a shift towards cleaner energy, reducing the reliance on firewood and charcoal, which will lead to reduced deforestation and cleaner air in homes.

Strugling with fire wood, a wastage of time for performing productive activities

Furthermore, the distribution of free gas containers will provide economic benefits to rural communities. The REA project will create employment opportunities in the gas distribution sector and reduce the cost of cooking fuel for rural households. The reduced cost of cooking fuel will result in increased disposable income for rural households, improving their standard of living.

In conclusion, the distribution of free gas containers in rural areas through the REA project will not only lead to a reduction in deforestation and indoor air pollution but will also have economic benefits for rural communities. This initiative represents a significant step towards achieving sustainable development in Tanzania, promoting a healthier and greener environment for future generations.

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