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Serikali ya wanafunzi ya Chuo Kikuu cha Sokoine cha Kilimo kupitia wizara ya Mikopo, inapenda kuwataarifu wanasuasa kuwa zoezi la kusaini pesa za chakula na malazl robo ya 3 (boom quarter 3) litaanza rasmi tarehe 29.5.2020 slku ya ijumaa mpaka tarehe 31.5.2020 siku ya jumapili kuanzia Saa 3 asubuhi mpaka saa 11 jioni. Hatua hii […]
All students of Sokoine University of Agriculture are hereby informed that Even semesters studies shall commence on Monday 1st June, 2020 for all programs in all Campuses. You are ‘further informed that registration shall begin in the morning of Friday 29th May, 2020. You are urged to finalise all matters related to registration. accommodation and […]
SUPERVISOR’S NAME STUDENT’S NAME Prof. Jumanne Abdallah Joseph Castus Mahembo James Mbele, Betisheba Daudi Ngatungwa Karista Juma Patel Hosea Kisuyan Seth Jesus Prof. Gerald Monela Ayubu Stella Daudi, William Dotto, Yatobanga Prof. Y.M. Ngaga Hamisi, Zaituni Hosea, Donald Julius, Simon Marekana Komba, Moses Moses […]
Background Forestry and Value Chains Development (FORVAC) aims to contribute in increasing economic, social and environmental benefits from forests and woodlands while reducing deforestation. The expected outcome of FORVAC is “Improved forest-based income, livelihoods and environmental benefits”. Outcomes are expected to be achieved through the following outputs: Output 1: Improved Value Chains and increased Private […]
Sokoine University of Agriculture (SUA) through the College of Forestry, Wildlife and Tourism aims to launch the Forestry Business, Finance and Marketing programme as a strategic strategy to provide graduates in the forest field who are going to raise the value chain of forest products in the country. Deputy Vice Chancellor of the University of […]
On 2nd October, 2019, the college of Forestry, Wildlife and Tourism offered a memorial shield to Proffesor Ngaga who is a former Deputy Vice Chancellor (Administration and Finance) of Sokoine University of Agriculture. The shield was given as an appreciation of his commitment and outstanding leadership for all the time that he served in administrative […]
On 23rd August, 2019, Dr. Greyson Nyamoga who is a Lecturer and Researcher in the department of forest and environmental economics successfully defended his PhD thesis at the Norwegian University of Life Sciences, Norway. His PhD focused on developing a Forest Sector Model for Tanzania which will be used for forecasting both demand and supply […]
Field practical trainings for 3rd year forestry students started on 22nd July 2019 at SOKOINE UNIVERSITY OF AGRICULTURE TRAINING FOREST (SUATF) located in Olmotonyi, Arusha. The supervisors were Dr.Lusambo and Mr.Kosei from the Department of Forestry and Environmental Economics. The main theme for the practical is to transpose theoretical knowledge into practical experience i.e. exposing […]