Sokoine University of Agriculture (SUA) through the College of Forestry, Wildlife and Tourism aims to launch the Forestry Business, Finance and Marketing programme as a strategic strategy to provide graduates in the forest field who are going to raise the value chain of forest products in the country. Deputy Vice Chancellor of the University of...Read More
On 2nd October, 2019, the college of Forestry, Wildlife and Tourism offered a memorial shield to Proffesor Ngaga who is a former Deputy Vice Chancellor (Administration and Finance) of Sokoine University of Agriculture. The shield was given as an appreciation of his commitment and outstanding leadership for all the time that he served in administrative...Read More
On 23rd August, 2019, Dr. Greyson Nyamoga who is a Lecturer and Researcher in the department of forest and environmental economics successfully defended his PhD thesis at the Norwegian University of Life Sciences, Norway. His PhD focused on developing a Forest Sector Model for Tanzania which will be used for forecasting both demand and supply...Read More
Field practical trainings for 3rd year forestry students started on 22nd July 2019 at SOKOINE UNIVERSITY OF AGRICULTURE TRAINING FOREST (SUATF) located in Olmotonyi, Arusha. The supervisors were Dr.Lusambo and Mr.Kosei from the Department of Forestry and Environmental Economics. The main theme for the practical is to transpose theoretical knowledge into practical experience i.e. exposing...Read More
The College of Forestry, Wildlife and Tourism has handed a memorial shield to the former Vice Chancellor of Sokoine University of Agriculture, Professor Gerald Monela for his excellence in leadership. His leadership voyage at the University reached a climax last year when he retired from administrative duties. For eleven years, Professor Monela served as a...Read More
In late July and early August of this year, the department of Forest and Environmental Economics under the College of Forest, Wildlife and Tourism hosted a Summer School programme ‘first summer and Field School’. The 10 days international programme was designed for students, academic staff and project officers under the WoodCluster Project whose overall...Read More
This is to inform the SUA community that, Consolatha Kapinga who was registered in the Department of Forest and Environmental Economics, Successfully defended her PhD viva voce on Friday 24th August, 2018. Her PhD study focused on Value Chain Analysis of Sawn Wood from Tanzania Forest Plantations. Let’s join hands to congratulate Consolatha for this...Read More
On 6th August, 2018 the WoodCluster project team visited Sao Hill Plantation in Mafinga which is owned by the government of Tanzania. The visit was one of the activities in the first summer and field school which was organised by the department of Forest and Environmental Economics. The Team included coallegues from Huwassa University (Ethiopia),...Read More