Class of 2020 & 2021

Research title: Assessment of Factors Influencing the Adoption of Conservation Agriculture in Bahi District, Tanzania
Research title: Analysis of Factors Influencing Farmers’ Perception and Adoption of Agroecological Practices: A Case of RIPAT Project in Ruangwa District, Tanzania.
Bachelor degree: BSc. Range Management

Phone: +255768781556
Research title: Assessment of socio-economic implications of human-wildlife conflicts in communities adjacent to Nyerere National Park, Morogoro, Tanzania
Bachelor degree: BSc. Natural Resource Management (Nature Conservation)
                                     Bachelor of Science in Wildlife Management and Ecotourism (Honours)
Research title: valuation of water use for sustainable water resource management on the southern slopes of Mt. Kilimanjaro, Northern Tanzania.
Link of a published article;
Phone: +255621693128
Research title; socioeconomic drivers and livelihood aspirations aspirations for the changes in grazing regimes in Miombo woodlands
Bachelor degree: Bsc. Wildlife Management.
Phone: +255752587089
Research title; Wood volume and profitability analysis of small-scale tree growers woodlots with a gender perspective in Mufindi District, Tanzania
Link of a published article: 
Bachelor degree: BSc. Forestry
Phone: +255748936760 /+255719807481
Research title; Value Chain Analysis of Wild Spices, Fruits, and Nuts in Miombo Woodlands Adjacent to Angai Forest, Lindi, Tanzania, and their Contribution to Household Livelihoods
Link of a published article: 
Bachelor degree: BSc. Forestry
Phone: +255 783626986
Research title; Analysis of Formal Institutions and Power Relations along the Timber Value Chain in Liwale and Ruangwa Districts, Tanzania
Link of a published article:
Phone: +255757415711/ +255782246637
Research title; Factors influencing rice production of the Lwafi-katongolo irrigation schemes and farmers satisfaction in Nkasi District
Link of a published article:
Full name: Emmanuel Lewis
Phone: (+231)886-570-320
Research title; Household charcoal consumption, sustainability and  its environmental impact  in Montserrado county, Liberia
Link of a published article:
Bachelor degree: BSc Economics
Phone: +255715397168/+255758440788
Research title; Value Chain Analysis of medicinal Plants in Liwale Distict, Tanzania
Link of a published article: 
Phone: +255759931318
Research title: Contribution of Timber and Honey on livelihood of community adjacent to village Land Forest Reserve
Bachelor degree: BSc. Forestry