Class of 2024

Full name: Anordius George
Phone:+255 757 110959
Master research:
Bachelor degree research: Causes of Failure to Attain Sufficiency in Water Supply and Protection of Water Resources in Kingolwira Ward, Morogoro Municipality

Phone:+255 655 532636
Master research:
Bachelor degree research: Contribution of Non-Wood Forest Products to the Livelhood of Rural Community: A Case Study of Kitomanga Ward Community Lindi Rural District in Tanzania.
Phone:+255 652 001754
Master research:
Bachelor degree research: Assessment of Solid Waste management systems in Morogoro Municipal.
Phone:+255 678 122444 / 627 544492
Master research:
Bachelor degree research: Potential Use of Waste Banana Peels In Concrete Production as a Low-Cost Construction Material
Master research:
Bachelor degree: BSc.Wildlife Science & Conservation (UDSM)
Bachelor degree research: Assessment of abundance and species diversity of large mammals of Saadani National Park, Pwani, Tanzania
Master research:
Bachelor degree: BSc.Wildlife Science & Conservation (UDSM)
Bachelor degree research: Assessment of the Activity patterns of Vervet Monkey (Cercopithecus aethiopicus), at University of Dar es Salaam (Main campus), Tanzania
Full name: Hashimu Musa Gau
Master research:
Bachelor degree: BSc. General Zoology and Wildlife (UDSM)
Bachelor degree research: Assessment of Avian species diversity in four water types in Saadani National Park along the river’s inland wells, estuary (Brackish water) and along the Sea shore, Pwani, Tanzania.