Intensified cooperation between Bonn University with Sokoine University and Mzumbe, Tanzania

The ERASMUS cooperation with two universities in Tanzania was intensified as Dr. Simone Giertz, international coordinator at the Depratment of Geography, University of Bonn, visited both universities in May. In June, Prof. Felister Mombo from Sokoine University (SUA) and Dr. Lucy Massoi from Mzumbe University visited Bonn.

Dr.Lucy Massoi and Prof. Felister Mombo visiting the GIUB

Dr.Lucy Massoi and Prof. Felister Mombo visiting the GIUB© Simone Giertz/ GIUB
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The existing cooperation with the two Tanzanian universities was expanded through various activities in the summer semester. The international coordinator Dr. Simone Giertz visited both universities in May to discuss future exchanges within the framework of the ERASMUS program and further opportunities for research collaborations. Both universities are involved different projects with the GIUB, like in the CRC “Future Rural Africa”. The partners’ return visit took place at the beginning of June. Prof. Felister Mombo from Sokoine University (SUA), coordinator of the ERASMUS project at SUA, and Dr. Lucy Massoi, Director of Internationalization and Convocation at Mzumbe University, visited the Department of Geography at the University of Bonn in early June to intensify the cooperation and to get insights from the university and the department. Both were also involved in teaching. Dr. Massoi’s workshop entitled “Methods for researching land use change and resource conflicts in the global south” took place in cooperation with visiting professor Prof. Dorothea Kleine (International Fellow from University of Sheffield). Prof. Mombo gave a talk on “Domestication of indigenous trees as a way of greening our economy”.

During their stay, they also had the opportunities to discuss their research with various scientist at our department and to visit the International Office to learn more about internationalization strategy and the organization of the university.

The ERASMUS project will end July 31st. However, a proposal for an extension of the project was submitted, which will hopefully be approved soon.

Dr. Simone Giertz visiting Sokoine University

Dr. Simone Giertz visiting Sokoine University© Simone Giertz/ GIUB

Workshop on methods for researching in the global south held by Prof. Dorothea Kleine and Dr. Lucy Massoi

Workshop on methods for researching in the global south held by Prof. Dorothea Kleine and Dr. Lucy Massoi© Simone Giertz/ GIUB