
The Department offers consulting activities on individual basis as per request from clients or through the faculty consulting firm known as FORCONSULT. Some of the consultancies include:
•    Formulation of the Forest Programme for Finish Government Support in Tanzania. In this assignment I worked under NIRAS Finland.
•    Facilitate development of sustainable renewable energy project for reduction of pressure from the forest: This programme is to be implemented by WWF- Tanzania Country Office.
•    Special Study to National Forestry Programme (NFP) – Forest Sector Contribution to National Economy:  analysing the present contribution of the forest sector to the GDP
•    Strategy for Conservation of Coastal Forests of Tanzania Mainland 2014 – 2019, funded by WWF
•    Final Evaluation of the Tanzania Participatory Forest Management Project (TPFMP) Funded by FARMAFRICA.
•    Economic Valuation of Coastal Forest in Tanzania Funded by WWF Tanzania Country Office.
•    Communication Education Participation and Awareness Strategy for Kilombero Valley Flood Plain Ramsar Site Funded by BTC.
•    Strategy for promoting private sector development and Value chains in forestry for ensuring gender involvement in decision-making process, Funded by WCST.
•    Cross-Sectoral Linkages in Miombo Forestry. Country Case Study. Funded by FAO
•    The REDD+ Related Literature and Land Use Information assignment, UN-REDD/FAO.
•    Assessment of procedures and standards for ESIA (strengths, weaknesses, terms of references, selection of key personnel, auditing and monitoring processes, submission procedures and approval), and ESIA process. Funded by Sida