Reversing Environmental Degradation in Africa and Asia — Project Grants

Grant Call 1: Project Grants – Stage 1 Concept Notes

Status: Open
Grant type Project grant
Grant size: £200,000 – £500,000 (GBP)
Expected number of grants: 18 – 21
Duration of grants: 2 to 4 years
Opening date (Stage 1 Concept Notes): 14 June 2023
Deadline date (Stage 1 Concept Notes): 31 July 2023, 23:59 British Summer Time (UTC+1)
Expected project start date: 1 January 2024

How to apply
Applications will be made through IIED’s Flexigrant system. The main contact point for support with applications will be

Before applying, applicants should read the Grant Call 1 Resources.

Overview of this call
REDAA invites proposals for locally led initiatives to improve evidence, tools, and governance that can help people and nature thrive together in sub-Saharan Africa, South Asia and Southeast Asia. All proposals should positively address action for nature and climate and gender equality and social inclusion. Proposals should also focus on one or more of the thematic priorities (further explained in the ‘Thematic priorities’ section below):

1.    Local research and capability for research
2.    Resource and land use assessments
3.    Business models
4.    Financing mechanisms
5.    Inclusive governance systems

Successful proposals will receive ‘Project Grants’. These are medium-scale grants between £200,000 and £500,000 (GBP) for research-to-action initiatives lasting two to four years. Following this first call it is expected that up to 21 Project Grants will be awarded via a two-stage proposal process: Stage 1 for Concept Notes; followed by Stage 2 for Full Proposals. Only applicants who are successful at Stage 1 will be invited to submit Full Proposals.

In addition to reading the Guidance for Applicants document applicants should refer to the REDAA Strategy for information about the programme’s rationale, aims, approach, main actions and development. We also strongly encourage applicants to read the scoping studies which have shaped the strategy.


Milestone Date
Stage 1 (Concept Notes) applications open 14 June 2023
Stage 1 (Concept Notes) applications close 31 July 2023
Eligibility screening, review and selection process August 2023
Stage 2 (Full Proposals) applications open September 2023
Stage 2 (Full Proposals) applications close October 2023
Eligibility screening, review and selection process November 2023
Final award notifications December 2023
Expected project start date 1 January 2024

Thematic priorities
Applicants should demonstrate how their initiatives positively address integrated action for nature and climate, and gender equality and social inclusion. They will also address one or more of the following thematic priorities:

1. Local research and capability for research
Locally led evidence generation, including on local and traditional knowledge, and developing local research capability, local research networks and appropriate data systems, and installing local research into national or regional information systems.

2. Resource and land use assessments
Integrated multi-objective participatory natural resource and land use assessments, and decision support tools such as scenarios and spatial analyses that incorporate biophysical, social, political and economic data and information.

3. Business models
Development by non-profit and community organisations, and co-development with enterprise partners, of productive business models based on ecosystem goods and services that are sustainable, equitable and climate-resilient.

4. Financing mechanisms
Establishment of finance mechanisms and finance flows for locally led initiatives that are direct, patient and long-term.

5. Inclusive governance systems 
Improvements by locally led initiatives of the security of tenure and resource rights of Indigenous people and local communities, and of inter-disciplinary, cross-sectoral and multi-stakeholder decision-making and governance of landscapes, ecosystems and restoration initiatives.

More information on these themes can be found in the REDAA Strategy.

Geographic focus
REDAA supports research-to-action initiatives in sub-Saharan Africa, South Asia and Southeast Asia. A full list of eligible countries is available in the Guidance for Applicants document.

Initiatives can operate in more than one country, and may seek to tackle transboundary drivers of environmental degradation; however, this is not a requirement.

REDAA encourages action in certain ecologies and landscape types to protect, conserve, restore and/or manage sustainably terrestrial, freshwater and coastal ecosystems. However, REDAA does not prescribe a list of specific landscapes in which it aims to support initiatives. Rather, it encourages potential grantees to demonstrate in their proposals the rationale for their choice of location and scale of their operation. Please refer to the Guidance for Applicants document for more information.

Eligibility Criteria
Lead Organisations
Concept Notes must name one Lead Organisation. This will be the organisation that will make an agreement with the REDAA programme and receive a grant, if the proposal is successful, and will be ultimately responsible for delivery and management of the project, including management of any partners and sub-grantees.

Lead Organisations based within one of the three focal regions (sub-Saharan Africa, South Asia or Southeast Asia) will be prioritised for funding. A minority of projects with lead organisations based outside the region or country of focus may be considered for funding if the proposals demonstrate strong partnerships with locally led organisations.

Lead Organisations must be able to demonstrate that they are:
•    Non-profit organisations, which may be non-governmental organisations, research institutions or community-based organisations that are legally registered in the countries in which they operate
•    Experienced in the kind of work they propose to undertake
•    Financially sound 
•    Staffed with the appropriate technical and financial capacity and expertise to manage and implement projects successfully and deliver technical and financial reporting.

At Concept Note stage, the last three years of audited accounts for the Lead Organisation are requested, along with information about the average turnover (income) in GBP over the last three years. The expected annual expenditure of the proposed project must be no more than 25% of this average annual turnover/income figure.  

Partner Organisations and sub-grantees
The Lead Organisation may partner with one or more other organisations, including formation of a research consortium where applicable. In projects where Partner Organisations are involved, the project should be co-designed with those partners. Government agencies and inter-governmental and UN agencies may be vital project partners, and we strongly encourage such partnership, but they will not be eligible to receive funding from the REDAA programme.

Partner Organisations which may also be eligible sub-grantees include:
•    Other non-profit organisations, which may be non-governmental organisations, research institutions or community-based organisations
•    Private sector organisations, businesses or business associations, which may be subcontracted to undertake specific planned actions for the project, provided this partnership can demonstrate value for money in its costs and benefits to the project

Detailed information on eligibility is provided in the Guidance for Applicants document.

Webinar for potential grant applicants
20 June, 9:30-10:30am British Summer Time (UTC+1)

REDAA will be hosting a webinar for potential grant applicants on 20 June 2023. This event will provide more information on the first funding call, give further details on how to apply and provide applicants with the opportunity to put their questions to the REDAA team. Potential applicants are strongly encouraged to attend this session.

Sign up for the webinar here

Supporting links
Guidance for Applicants
Application Questions
Frequently Asked Questions            
REDAA Strategy 
REDAA Scoping studies   

Complimentary programmes
REDAA compliments a number of current international research and funding initiatives in the United Kingdom, including: