SUA continues to be renowned for providing quality education and impactful research.

The Solar timber drying kiln from the Department of Forest Engineering and Wood Sciences revealed at 2024 Nanenane exhibitions in Morogogo

Sokoine University of Agriculture (SUA) continues to be renowned for providing quality education and impactful research in the sectors of forestry, agriculture, livestock, and fisheries in the Eastern region. Citizens are encouraged to take advantage of the presence of institutions known for excelling in research in the country to gain quality education in their forestry, livestock, agriculture, and fisheries activities, in line with President Samia Suluhu Hassan’s 10/30 agenda to ensure these sectors increase national income by 30%.

This was emphasized by the Tanga Regional Commissioner, Ambassador Dr. Batilda Buriani, while opening the Nanenane Eastern Zone Exhibitions at the Mwalimu Julius Kambarage Nyerere grounds in Morogoro on August 2, 2024, under the theme “Choose Good Local Government Leaders for Sustainable Development in Forestry, Agriculture, Livestock, and Fisheries.”

Dr. Buriani praised the university for using climate change as an opportunity to conduct various studies that help advance agriculture in the country and urged farmers and livestock keepers to take advantage of the exhibitions by visiting SUA to learn new things such as environmentally friendly wood drying, pasture grasses, soil testing technology, and irrigation infrastructure. The country has not fully utilized these opportunities due to climate change, which causes drought, floods, and increased temperatures, so it is important to collaborate with researchers to practice productive agriculture, livestock, and fisheries.

She also commended the farmers and fishers who have committed to participating in this year’s Nanenane Exhibitions, stating that their participation will help increase skills, capacity, and different ideas by meeting other stakeholders through these exhibitions, as her goal is to provide education and increase the number of farmers, fishers, and other stakeholders in the value chain.

Before officially opening the exhibitions, Dr. Buriani visited various booths, including the Sokoine University of Agriculture (SUA) booth at the Nanenane Eastern Zone Exhibitions grounds, and observed various technologies produced by the university.

At the booth, she was welcomed by various SUA leaders led by the Deputy Vice-Chancellor for Academic, Research, and Consultancy, Prof. Maulid Mwatawala, who provided explanations about the various technologies available at the booth.

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