The 14th TAWIRI Scientific Conference will be held at the Arusha International Conference Centre (AICC) in Arusha, Tanzania from 6th – 8th December 2023


Dear all,

The Organizing Committee is pleased to inform you that the 14th TAWIRI Scientific Conference will be held at the Arusha International Conference Centre (AICC) in Arusha, Tanzania from 6th – 8th December 2023.

The conference will involve a wider range of information sharing through paper presentations in terms of oral and posters. Kindly note that, this year we are also inviting organizations, individual researchers, Non-Governmental Organizations, Civil Society Organizations, Government Institutions, Local Government Authorities and all those who wish to organize special symposiums, workshops, seminars, side meetings, conservation related exhibitions and round table discussions,  kindly we request you to book the dates.

For this special event, we would like to bring your attention to the following important updates:-


“Human-Wildlife Coexistence for biodiversity conservation and socio-economic development”.


  1. Human-Wildlife Interactions
  2. Emerging technologies for Wildlife Conservation
  3. Tourism Development and diversifications for social-economic development
  4. Wildlife Ecology and Ecological Interactions
  5. Monitoring of Wildlife Population and threatened species
  6. Ecosystem Health and Wildlife Diseases
  7. Water Resources and Wetland Conservation
  8. Climate Change and – Ecological resilience
  9. Bee ecology, Beekeeping and Api-tourism development
  10. Vegetation ecology, Invasive species and Habitat conservation


Abstracts submission
Call for abstracts submission was open from 1st March 2023 and the deadline for abstract submission will be on 30th July 2023. Abstracts should be limited to a maximum of 300 words for both oral and poster presentations. Specifically, the abstract should be clear with a short and clear title, name(s) of author(s) and affiliations/ addresses, (the correspondent author should be indicated for easy communication), brief background and  objectives of the study, methodology, results and conclusion. Key words should not be more than five words arranged in alphabetical order. Authors of accepted abstracts for oral/poster presentation will be notified by August 30th 2023.

Important: Kindly submit your abstract through the conference email: or or upload directly to the conference webpage:

Symposium, Workshops, Seminars, Side meetings, and Round table discussions

Kindly note that, this year we are also inviting organizations, individual researchers, NGOs, Civil Society Organizations, Government Institutions, Local Government Authorities and all those who wish to organize special symposium, workshops, seminars, side meetings,   and round table discussions to book for dates.

Important: This year, Symposium, Workshops and Seminars will be organized during the main Conference dates during late afternoon hours, while those who wish to organize short round table discussions will be arranged in the evening  after conference hours.

Kindly book earlier for symposium, seminars and workshops, organizers should indicate the title of the symposia/workshop/seminar. Abstracts should be submitted before 30th May 2023 to allow  smooth arrangement and event planning. Any submission that will not comply with set criteria will not be accepted. Do not hesitate to contact the Organizing committee if you need any clarification.


Contact email
All conference emails, enquiries and correspondences, that include submission of abstracts for oral and poster presentation as well as symposia, workshop and seminars, should be sent to

Important: For easy follow-up of your submissions, please use the conference email; submission to individual emails (i.e. to TAWIRI staff personal emails) will not be considered.

Presentations and submission of full papers
Oral or poster presentations at the conference will be subject to submission of full manuscripts. Deadline for submission of full manuscripts will be on 30th  September 2023. The length of each full manuscript should not be more than 12 pages including references (single spaced). For poster presentation, the poster size should not exceed 90cm (Length)  x 75cm (width).

Instructions to authors during preparation of full papers will be shown in the conference time table.


Virtual Video Presentation
Virtual video-presentation for those who will not manage to travel to Tanzania will be organized.  During this time presenters should be online present or in case of some communication/internet connections  which may hinder the video/sound, presenters will be allowed to be online, listening, and after the presentation  participants will have an opportunity to ask questions to the presenter. Allocated time will be 15 min for video presentation and 5 min for discussion.    All virtual presenters will have to send their recorded videos before conference dates through,  and will have also to include:- Title,  name of the author/presenter and Institutional affiliation.


Kindly be informed that, the registration is now open, a special webpage for the 14th TAWIRI Conference is now open kindly register at the following conference address:, also visit TAWIRI website for more information about TAWIRI.


Registration fees A.Early bird registration fee
Kindly be informed that, due to increased costs of almost every services provided and materials, the conference registration fee has been increased to accommodate the changes in costs. Participation fee indicated will cover costs for meals, venue conference materials and all the services for three days of the conference. This year, the following registration fees will  apply per person:-

  1. East Africans:          TZS   300,000.00
  2. Non East Africa:       USD  00


B. Late or onsite registration

  1. East Africans:          TZS  400,000.00
  2. Non East Africa:       USD  00


Important notice on registration

  1. Early bird registration is open from 30th March – 30th August 2023
  2. Tanzanian students           must    send     to         TAWIRI          supporting            letters from    their

Institutes/Universities/Colleges and a copy of their student ID.

  • East Africans should provide evidence of their identity (i.e. submitting a copy of the Passport cover and first pages (for Kenyans, Ugandans, Rwandans, South Sudanese and Burundians).

Important: The above registration fees will also apply to Virtual/Online presenters to cover  costs of associated technology.


Payment of registration fee:

Mode of Payment

Following the current Government payment guidelines, before making any payment please ask for a control number from TAWIRI accounts office by sending an email to or

Important: Do not make any payment through traditional method we used previously, currently only Government Electronic Payment Gateway (GePG) is allowed to settle all the bills.

For further clarification on payments, kindly contact CPA Harold Basinda  Email:          Cellphone: +255 787606721


The conference language will be English. 

The conference will be held at the Arusha International Conference Centre (AICC) in Arusha City, Arusha, Tanzania

We recommend participants to make their own hotel booking. Arusha has a range of good hotels and lodges.  Alternatively, contact the TAWIRI Conference Organizers in case you need assistance in hotel booking through;-

Tourism and sight seeing
Arusha city, popularly known as the City of Destination is a hub of tourism activities in Tanzania, with a number of nearby tourism attractions including Arusha National Park, Kilimanjaro National Park, Tarangire National Park, Lake Manyara National Park, Ngorongoro Conservation Area and Serengeti National Park; also some cultural tourism centers etc.  Participants interested to participate in tourism activities before or after the conference should contact any of the tour companies in Arusha, Tanzania.

Alternatively, contact the TAWIRI Conference Organizers in case you need assistance in booking for tourism activities using

For more information and updates, visit the TAWIRI website at or contact the organizing committee using

We look forward to seeing you during the conference in Arusha.

Please kindly note that  there will be no extension for set deadlines

Yours sincerely,

Dr. Janemary Ntalwila
Secretary-Organizing Committee