In compliance with the Tanzania Association of Foresters (TAF) Constitution Article 18, the TAF National Executive Committee is officially announcing that the 20th
Annual Scientific Meeting (ASM) and 28th Annual General Meeting (AGM) are scheduled to take place on 22nd and 23rd November, 2023, respectively, in Morogoro, Tanzania.

The 20th Annual Scientific Meeting 2023

The 20th Annual Scientific Meeting (ASM) will involve a wider range of information sharing through paper presentations in terms of oral and posters addressing forestry matters. The main theme of the 20th ASM is: “Forests for Industrial Economy and Sustainable Development,” and the following are the subthemes or topics to be discussed in depth:

  1. Sustainable forest management: services, goods, livelihoods and challenges
  2. Forest industries: status, opportunities and challenges
  3. Forest landscape restoration: status, opportunities and challenges
  4. Biomass energy: opportunities and challenges
  5. Climate Change and forest health
  6. Policy and legislation

Abstract submission

TAF invites scientific papers related to the mentioned theme and subthemes for oral and poster presentations. The call for abstracts for ASM 2023 is open from 1st April, 2023 to 30th July 2023. Abstracts should be limited to a maximum of 300 words for both oral and poster presentations. In particular, the abstract should be clear, with a short and clear title, author (s) names and affiliations/addresses (the corresponding author should be indicated for easy communication), brief background and objectives of the study, methodology, results, and conclusion. Keywords should not be more than five words arranged in alphabetical order. Accepted abstracts will be notified by 30th August 2023.

Presentations and submission of full papers

Oral or poster presentations at the ASM 2023 will be subject to the submission of full papers. The deadline for submission of full paper will be on 30th September 2023. The length of each full paper should not be more than 15 pages, including references (1.5-line spacing). For poster presentations, the poster size should not exceed 90 cm (Length) x 75 cm (width). A more specific format for writing full papers will be communicated to eligible authors.

Contact emails

The abstracts should be submitted to the following email addresses:

TAF Secretary Mr. Heriberth Haulle (0754-448781)

TAF Journal Chief Editor Dr. Chelestino Balama (0739- 404873).


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