Toward June 5, 2024, World Environment Day, we remind Tanzanians to register their Carbon Projects

On June 5, 2024, World Environment Day, we remind Tanzanians to conserve the environment and increase their income by registering their carbon projects. The National Carbon Management Center (NCMC), in collaboration with Sokoine University of Agriculture (SUA), recognizes the importance of environmental conservation and the benefits of carbon business. Therefore, NCMC announces environmental conservation and income-generating projects for carbon registration.

This project requires collaboration with department of ecosystems and  conservationforest resource assessment and management departments. This will help keep the environment safe and promote carbon business in these times when environmental conservation is receiving increased attention to adapt to changes in the country’s climate.

The NCMC website, along with the College of Forestry, Wildlife, and Tourism departments, which are the Forest and Environmental Economy Department, in collaboration with the Ecosystems and Conservation Department, and the Forest Resource Assessment and Management Department, provide comprehensive information on forest conservation and carbon business benefits. Tanzanians are encouraged to visit these websites to learn more about carbon projects and how to conserve the environment.

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