Welcome to Our Department

This is one of the departments in the College of Forestry, Wildlife and Tourism. Currently, the Department has 13 employees and is responsible for a large part of the undergraduate training within the forestry, wildlife, tourism, environmental sciences and Development studies programme, with about 10 courses in natural resource economics and policies. The department is also engage intensively in research having collaborations with other universities and departments both within Tanzania and in other countries.

The Department has the following areas of expertise: forest economics, environmental economics and natural resource policy, environmental governance, participation and livelihoods. In forest economics, forest policy is a vital part. The Department teaches both undergraduate and postgraduate students in the College.

The Department hosts two postgraduate programs namely MSc Environmental and Natural Resources Economics (ENAREC) and MSc (MNRSA) programme which is coordinated by the Head of Department. The Department also teaches courses in Development Studies and College of Humanities and Social Sciences. The Department is hosting a Postgraduate Diploma Program in Result Based Monitoring and Evaluation Techniques. A research and consultancy priority areas for the Department are diverse:  natural resource economics, natural resource policy, environmental governance, monitoring and evaluation, participation and livelihoods.

Dr. Greyson Nyamoga