History, Vision Mission and Core Values

Historical Background
The College of Forestry, Wildlife and Tourism at Sokoine University of Agriculture is an outcome of short but interesting change of events starting in 1970 at Makerere University in Uganda. In 1970 a Department of Forestry was established at Makerere University with the objective of training professional foresters for Uganda, Kenya and Tanzania. By July 1973, the political situation in Uganda has increasingly become difficult, more so for foreign students and expatriate stuff to continue their academic activities in Uganda.

The Government of Tanzania with the support of the Norwegian Agency for Development Co-operation (NORAD) decided to establish a department of forestry at Morogoro, under the University of Dar es salaam. In 1974, the department was elevated to a Division, giving it a mandate to develop itself further into a faculty. In July 1984, the Division of Forestry become a fully-fledged Faculty of Forestry when the Tanzanian Parliament enacted act No. 6 of 1984 establishing Sokoine University of Agriculture at Morogoro. The University was named after the late Prime Minister Edward Moringe Sokoine. In 1998, the Faculty of Forestry changed its name to Faculty of Forestry and Nature Conservation and hence attained a wider mandate. The Faculty of Forestry and Nature Conservation (FoF & NC) was among the four main Faculties making Sokoine University of Agriculture. The other faculties are Faculty of Agriculture, Faculty of Veterinary Medicine and Faculty of Science.

To provide quality education, research, outreach and consultancy services in natural resources, tourism, recreation, hospitality and related fields

To be a leading and distinguished institution in forestry, wildlife and tourism

Core Values
In achieving its vision and fulfilling its mission, CFWT will adhere to the following core values:
(i) Strive to abide by the virtue of integrity, honesty, transparency, accountability and remain influential (meritocracy) in all activities
(ii) Commitment to team work
(iii) Embrace excellence, efficiency and effectiveness
(iv) Endeavour to carry out duties with commitment, dedication and professionalism
(v) Maintain a sense of self respect, discipline, responsibility and institutional loyalty
(vi) Exercise academic freedom
(vii) Respect the views, opinions, and value systems of our clients, stakeholders and partners for purpose of maintaining mutual respects for sustainable prosperity of the College and
(viii) Remain innovative.