1 PhD Scholarship Available – Call for Applications

1 PhD Scholarship Available – Call for Applications
Climate, Pollinator Biodiversity, Crop Pollination and People’s Livelihoods (CPBCPP) PROJECT

The College of Forestry, Wildlife and Tourism of the Sokoine University of Agriculture, in collaboration with the
University of Copenhagen, Denmark, and the Tanzania Forestry Research Institute (TAFORI), hereby invites interested
and qualified citizens of Tanzania (holding a relevant Master’s degree or equivalent) to submit applications for 1 PhD
scholarship under the Danida financed project “Climate, Pollinator Biodiversity, Crop Pollination and People´S
Livelihoods” (CPBCPP). As the PhD project is part of the CPBCPP project, the PhD student will work closely with three
PhD students (two hired at SUA and one at the University of Copenhagen, Denmark). The student will be enrolled at
the Sokoine University of Agriculture, with research stays at the University of Copenhagen, Denmark. The scholarship
duration is a maximum of four years and will commence on November 1, 2024. The PhD scholar will be supervised by
a joint team of senior academics from the College of Forestry, Wildlife and Tourism, TAFORI and the University of
Copenhagen and will be provided PhD level training in both university environments.

Requirements for the scholarship
This PhD Project is expected to examine how natural pollination and beekeeping contribute to farmers’ livelihood (i.e.,
poverty status and food security) along an elevation and climate gradient in the Eastern Arc Mountains (EAMs) in
Tanzania. The candidate will conduct household surveys targeting 300 farmers who practice beekeeping and ‘control’
farmers, i.e. without beekeeping activities. The candidate will also collect information on a key aspect of food security:
dietary diversity. The candidate will assess the effects of beekeeping, using matching – a rigorous, quasi-experimental
method – to isolate the causal relationship between farms who engage in beekeeping and various livelihood outcomes
as compared to those farms without beekeeping.

How to apply
Interested applicants should submit a letter of application indicating the scholarship being applied for, a Curriculum
Vitae, a concept note of a maximum of 2,000 words (outlining and justifying research questions/objectives, describing
relevant theories, and indicating study approach/design and methods), scanned copies of certificates and names of
two academic referees. Other important criteria for selection are:
• Professional qualifications relevant to the CPBCPP project;
• Interest in conducting fieldwork, including working remotely and in challenging field conditions;
• Field work experience, preferably focused on livelihood analysis;
• Experience with quantitative analysis of data, preferably in R. Good interpersonal skills, an interest in working within
a team, openness to different cultures and a flexible mind-set;
• Other professional activities;
• A curious mindset with a strong interest in combining fieldwork data with modelling and
• A grade point average achieved.
If further clarification is needed, please contact Dr Rose Kicheleri at rose.kicheleri@sua.ac.tz. All applications should
be submitted electronically to rose.kicheleri@sua.ac.tz copy to abdallah@sua.ac.tz and lr@ign.ku.dk. The deadline for
receiving the applications is September 26, 2024 at 15.30 pm East Africa Time (EAT). Only short-listed candidates will
be notified by October 15, 2024, and invited to a virtual interview session on October 21, 2024

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