Conducting Research with the People and for the People: A Collaborative Approach

Researchers at Sokoine  University of Agriculture have been asked to involve diverse groups of both genders in the initial stages of their research in order to obtain information that will help the Government solve existing challenges  in society as well as plan development plans from the family to the national level.

The call was made by the Director of the Institute for Continuing Education (ICE) from the Sokoine University of Agriculture (SUA) Dr. Devotha Mosha on January 17, 2025 while speaking to SUA Media at a workshop to build the capacity of young researchers in collecting and processing data to obtain better research that is beneficial to society, institutions and the nation as a whole.

Dr. Devotha, who is also the Community Unit Leader for Gender Issues at the Climate Change Adaptation and Resilience in the Dry Tropics (CLARITY) Research Project, said researchers need to use participatory methods and involve all groups including women, men, the elderly, the young, the rich, the poor and other groups to obtain information that will affect all groups in society.

“As you know, without participatory methods, you cannot obtain accurate information that is sufficient to make various recommendations in our institutions and to the Government as well, so I would like to use this opportunity to call on researchers when they hear of this type of training to strive to participate in large numbers in order to come and learn and develop themselves, including knowing these participatory methods that are beneficial to society”, said   Dr. Devotha.

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