Development Corridor Partnership (DCP) Project SUA Team conducting fieldwork in SAGCOT clusters

Welcoming remarks by the Planning Officer for Kilombero District Council Mr. Ludwig Ngakoka

Partners from Tanzania, Kenya, China and UK are coming together to build capacity so that development corridor decision-making can be based on sound scientific evidence and effective use of available planning tools and procedures.

The Partnership is building capacity among researchers, practitioners, government and private sector actors to deliver sustainable development corridors in East Africa. This include increasing availability of the best tools and analyses and the skill to use them.

The aim of the fieldwork is to collect information on ecosystem services, biodiversity, natural resources, climate change and community livelihood in Kilombero and Mbarali clusters of Southern Agricultural Growth Corridor of Tanzania (SAGCOT).

Welcoming remarks by the Planning Officer for Kilombero District Council Mr. Ludwig Ngakoka

Welcoming remarks by the Planning Officer for Kilombero District Council, Mr. Ludwig Ngakoka

 Prof. Japhet J. Kashaigili introducing DCP project to experts from the Kilombero District Council

Prof. Japhet J. Kashaigili introducing DCP project to experts from the Kilombero District Council

Experts of Kilombero District Council paying attention on the project introduction

Experts of Kilombero District Council paying attention on the project introduction

 Prof. Pantaleo K. Munishi presenting the concept of Ecosystems Services Natural Capital Biodiversity and Climate Change

Prof. Pantaleo K. Munishi presenting the concept of Ecosystems Services, Natural Capital, Biodiversity and Climate Change

 Experts of Kilombero District Council paying attention on the presentation on Ecosystems Services Natural Capital Biodiversity and Climate Change

Experts of Kilombero District Council paying attention on the presentation on Ecosystems Services, Natural Capital, Biodiversity and Climate Change

Experts of Kilombero District Council ranking the Ecosystem Services based on importance to community wellbeing

Experts of Kilombero District Council ranking the Ecosystem Services based on importance to community wellbeing

Discussion on the measures and prioritization of solutions for handling drivers and threats to ecosystem services and natural resourcespng

Discussion on the measures and prioritization of solutions for handling drivers and threats to ecosystem services and natural resources.

The Development Corridors Partnership project will run until December 2021 and is funded by the UK Research Council’s Global Challenges Research Fund.



For more information please contact:

Co-PIs: Prof. P.K.T Munishi and Prof.  J.J. Kashaigili

Sokoine University of Agriculture

Development Corridor Partnership Project ,

College of Forestry, Wildlife and Tourism,

PO Box 3009, Chuo Kikuu, Morogoro, Tanzania or

Get in touch

Visit Project Website at:


Twitter: @devcorridors 


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